Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Torishop update
Good time of a day!

As you may have noticed, Torishop has been disabled for some time today. This happened due to major pricing changes we made.


First of all, a lot of items' prices became more reasonable.
You wouldn't have to pay the same amounts of TC for main item types like bloods or joints and miscellaneous stuff (timers, user texts and so on) anymore.
You can check the difference by visiting the "View items by color" section in Torishop.

Secondly, all items are now ranged by Tiers.
Each tier has its own price borders and QI restrictions.
In addition to that, there are two special groups of items: Beginner items and Elite items.
Obviously, first one was made for beginner players and the second one - for pro players

Beginner items includes the cheapest items (250-500 TC for full set) with 0 QI restriction and Elite items are those with the highest prices (up to one million TC) and QI restrictions (up to 20,000).


And thirdly, as you can see in the list above, a brand new color was added.


Ingame look

Vortex is on a timed sale (price is two times lower, QI restriction is 10 times lower) until the end of January.
Hurry up to get it in time!

So that is all! Have fun with new prices!
i think the tier thing is stupid, it's basically saying, you are this good if you have this color which is not usually the case. i understand the qi and being able to kind of 'unlock' the use of new colors, but saying specific colors are for beginners is kinda lame. but that's my only little nitpick, if you lost money it sucks but you invested in it, you don't really deserve a refund. that's like if you bought a turkey for $20 and the next day there is a sale on turkey and it's now $10, you don't get your money back for that.
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
Originally Posted by Natejas View Post
Just a little personal opinion here but I think they should consult today's biggest marketers and ask for their opinions
List o' big marketers;

Instead of keeping this to yourselves let the average user state their opinion and allow for a democratic change because this sucks it really did screw a ton of people over.

I dont see those people being average users. specially mars bars, seeing as his he just buys shit with real money evertime needed. Asking them is like asking gas companys what the price of gas should be. "As high as possible so we can make as much profit!"

Maybe instead we have a poll of sorts to rank all the colors, then adjust it from there. This was EVERYONE gets a chance to put in a opinion on the quality of the items.
Highest value items still being things like void.

Lets be a democracy!
Originally Posted by Tinerr View Post
Polls never helped any forum decision.

Im just saying there is probably a better solution then asking mars bars.
Originally Posted by Tinerr View Post
Polls never helped any forum decision.

Who says anything about polls? This is a movement, not a peace talk, viva la revolution madafackas!

✦RIP -zzzkie, I'll miss you 2012-2015 #neverforget.✦
👼Proud owner and leader of [Ascend] with my brother, Nevramon👼
Check out my 🎧 FREE💃 sound request shop! - I have a lot of art (like, 45+ heads and a few sets) for sale! PM me for them!
Sir, i have a imperial force and i am 2nd dan, what will happen with me?

And it will be useful for my set.
RSO Teacher
A Long Analysis of the Recent Torishop Changes
Originally Posted by Mwah View Post
i think the tier thing is stupid, it's basically saying, you are this good if you have this color which is not usually the case. i understand the qi and being able to kind of 'unlock' the use of new colors, but saying specific colors are for beginners is kinda lame. but that's my only little nitpick, if you lost money it sucks but you invested in it, you don't really deserve a refund. that's like if you bought a turkey for $20 and the next day there is a sale on turkey and it's now $10, you don't get your money back for that.

I didn't lose any real $ in this change but I did lose a lot of TCs. However, let me explain why there should be a refund for the people who lost actual $ because of this stupid change. First of all, Mwah your analogy is stupid (sorry, it is). You don't buy a turkey to sell it. You buy it to consume it. The turkey is a consumable good that you didn't invest any time or effort to buy it at a low price in order to sell it at a higher price and make profit. I know that sometimes the price would decrease overnight even on non-consumable, but this is an uncontrolled price change that happens in a free market (similar to what happens on the Toribash market). However no guarantee was set on the price of these items so Nabi made no mistake that they can be held accountable for.

Instead of using an analogy let me give you an example of what could have actually happened. ToribashPlayerX "invests" 100$ worth of TCs buying some cheap in-game items to sell in order to make a profit in TCs. This ToribashPlayerX loses 50% - 75% of his TCs because the Torishop prices change overnight (LITERALY, OVERNIGHT). ToribashPlayerX is screwed because he actually lost real USD in his irrational investment. This differs from him losing that USD in picking bad deals or making loses in the market itself, in that the Torishop price is a RRP and does not depend on the demand/supply of the market. This means that someone (I think its Nabi) changed these prices to reflect what they thought was a better color and what THEY thought needed to be a higher QI. This is not a free market.

Let me remind you that I have not lost actual $ through this change I am simply saying my OPINION. Now, about the warning. Some of you said that a warning would be useless as the price changes would occur in the market as they would have in the Torishop. Firstly, you are assuming that this warning would say that the price of hair color, for example would be 5% of what it used to be or that the price of forces would be half of what they used to be. NO. This warning would state that their are price changes that will happen on the following items X, Y, and Z. The purpose of this warning is to stop investments in this items (yes, this does decrease demand, yes the prices would decrease, I know how the curve works). The item prices would not have decreased as much and marketeers wouldn't have lost so much TCs. Secondly, this is a warning could just be a long term warning. Something that would indicate a GRADUAL change of the Torishop prices, not an overnight one. In fact, if the Torishop price changes were gradual a warning would be needless. In fact again, if the shop price changes were to gradually approach the upper limit of what they are on the market then a warning would be useless.

Ok, overall, this change was a disastrous hit to some of the player in Toribash and thus this discourages future investment in Toribash items (Not a good thing for Nabi ) Player will be less willing to invest actual $ in this game if the prices can actually change overnight.

Finally, I don't actually disagree with the idea of changing the Torishop prices. The shop was waaaay overpriced and everyone knew it. The prices did need to change to reflect what the people like to wear in-game i.e. demand. However, I disagree with the way these changes were executed and how much the prices (in some items) are now different.

Lets all remember though that this is an investment that people chose to make and that things never happen to go exactly as expects. All we can do right now is just hope that no more radical changes come along and screw people over like that...

NB: I won't even begin to talk about the tier system, sorry if I was too blunt/opinionated.
I can totally kick the shit out of a plastic bag!