Yeah me too, school just started for me and the first thing i do when i get home is sleeping and waking up at 12 am. :l
sucki sucki 500 tc me love you long time
If I am accepted, You can send message or post reply here for art (please put description and look at the recruitment thread for examples
i am accepted or not?
Last edited by vlad32142; Jul 19, 2014 at 10:05 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Here are some cool replays i've had recently.

I've only played rk-mma once and ended Cay's -MANY- streak (he won too many times in a row and i stopped him haha)
Last edited by Resoo; Jul 19, 2014 at 12:24 PM.
Guys, I just found out, that Bruce Lee said "Simplicity is the key to brilliance". So I think I now know why the thing I wrote on the clan thread sounded so familiar -_-
I was asked to show some of my comic art. Here is a cover I did for the yearbook at the school I work for. It is an upload from Facebook so its pretty low quality. I just don't want to log in to imageshack to upload from my computer. Enjoy.
Well, dang it.

Due to reasons we had to leave a war hanging at 2-3

So if you see someone from (Cypher) around while playing - call up some droogs and show them a bit of good old ultraviolence to finish it. The war is first to 8.