Hello, I'm 13 I am a brown belt that has been looking for a clan for a very long time. I have never been in any clan before. I have never been banned. I'm can help with creating textures because i'm working on becoming a texture maker because I've been having problems finding the textures i want. I can play most of the time all i have to worry about is school, chores, and getting grounded. One of my few hobby's would be gaming . I can be contacted through face book( I hope this gets to you.
Top 10 clan yet no active people I want to join this clan and make it a bigger community
>>I Hate My Life<<
I joined toribash since Apr, 2012
Hello my apocalyptic friends my ign is Pikachu16 (im an alt to CALEBBATES) in my Pikachu account im a brown belt but on my CALEBBATES account it was a 2nd dan. My real life name is Caleb, I am 11 years old. I am a boy. My favorite games to play on my lapop are Toribash and Roblox.I was in only one previous clan: Rival. Im not in that clan because one of my friends who is in this clan told me to join and he said that the people in this clan were friendly, generous, and good mentors. You should invite me because im a great mushu warrior and a great judo warrior. I want to join this clan because I think I can be a good use to you guys and help you get that #1 spot on the clan rankings! So yeah.........hope you enjoy reading this and thank you for reading my apocalyptic friends. oh and one more thing, if you have trouble contacting me or if needed to contact me, here is my Skype account name: calebkid04
Last edited by Pikachu16; May 12, 2016 at 02:33 AM.
My name is James (a.k.a. ThaHazer) and I would like to apply to be with your clan. . I have been playing Toribash for about 3 months. I am a 14 year old American boy from Missouri. I found the game on youtube after searching for some funny gameplay from sumotori and other indie games like that and a video of a game called Toribash popped up. I searched and found out it was free. After downloading it, I fell in love with it. I have been playing nonstop ever since I started. I researched a little further to find out what they do. After reading about it, I became very interested in what they did. I wanted to do something more than just play. I wondered a while before researching how to apply. After seeing the likes of you and others like monk, Fish, and AzureMage and all that you were offering people in terms of fun and entertainment, I thought I should try for Apocalyptic clan. I enjoy being around other people. I play a lot of team sports for that reason. I am a decent leader and a pretty good negotiator.. My dad is a lawyer which might contribute to that. Useless detail, but let's forgive this. I just want to help people have fun. I watch a lot of youtube lpers (create "let's plays") and pay attention to how they do things so that I may be able to do that ,too. . I am a very quick learner. I don't know as much about the game as some people, but if someone teaches me then I will pick it up very easily.I am very all around in my skills so I could probably help with a lot of things.I like playing many like mushu and wushu and the other mods like that but i hate aikido so i can help u in clan wars.Thanks for considering my application. -James.
hello first of all I shall tell you about me well I guess it all started when I joined I was yommama something for my first account and played from 2011 to2012 and got to 6th dan. But then me an my family moved towns and sold are computer in 2013 I rejoined toribash to start over. I came as NukeTech and played tell I was 2nd dan until I moved back with my dad and tottaly forgot about toribash and in 2015 (last year) I started again but I wasn't trying to get in clans or anything yet and now that I have won 10 es tourneys and some good replays im ready to join a what im saying is I can offer alot to Apoctalyptic and will not regret accepting me in thieves. Why do I want to join thieves well im just tring to join a clan rn to get to know more people and for clan wars (:
Favorite mod: has to be abd or boxshu but I play anything really (:
I should be on everyday and will be on forums everyday thank you for reading hope to see you soon
Last edited by Brutha125; Aug 14, 2016 at 07:21 AM.