Endurance Onslaught 6.0
No, we weren't doing half bad. We just lost one teamfight, and not by much, and they all surrendered. It was like... seriously? Grow some balls.

Also, I thought I was bad at last hitting... then I met the last AD carry on my team. Holy shit I've never seen such a bad player. 50 farm 30 minutes in. I had just under 200 at that point :/
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Bought Maokai and had to fight against Teemo on top. First minutes was pretty hard but after I've got all my skills available it was way easier. Had 5/3 (first time Morgana ganked me and I've killed Teemo, then fed Corki from top appeared and killed me, twice. got that Teemo too). Then my ping went up to 500 and basically they had to fight 4v5 + our ADC was overfarmed by Corki. 8/0/3 Corki hurts rly much.
Just made a 16/9/7 with Olaf, but the team sucked hard and they fed Teemo etc.
So we lost but I had a good time and learned how to play Olaf properly.
15 Friendly
12 Helpful
42 Teamwork
59 Honorable Opponent

I have HO ribbon, wondering when I'd be able to get the teamwork one..
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
statement #1
Congrats you have now become riots bitch

statement #2
Back in my days we were nice and it wasn't just for honor

can't tell if directed to me or someone else

also, dat top winrate hnnggg

Originally Posted by Zazo View Post
What are the requirements for the Green Ribbon?
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
I see quite a few people with the honorable opponent ribbon but nothing else.

Get 100 of the 3 ribbons not HO.

Originally Posted by Mongius View Post
yea just blame it on jungle, its allways his fault. oh, you lost a 1v3 teamfight? junglers fault! oh, your farm ist pretty bad? junglers fault! oh, you've stolen many monsters/exp in the jungle and your jungler was unable to gank cause of a 5 level difference? MOTHAFUKIN JUNGLERS FAULT!

My Honors. yes my elo sucks (started playing rankeds with 130 wins, 4 games instalost

got that ugly red badge.
can i reach another badge and make this one "disappear" ?
or will it stay forever? -.-
Originally Posted by Lume View Post
15 Friendly
12 Helpful
42 Teamwork
59 Honorable Opponent

I have HO ribbon, wondering when I'd be able to get the teamwork one..

You may get a new ribbon soon. xD

/me gets penta with graves

/me brags about gg push win

/me steps into mushroom and gives ap teemo tripple kill

/me facepalms