But you get the full advantages of the maw if you have a higher maximum hp.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
You guys should throw a new build at me, I just improvised.
Also I'm tired of this....

I need a back massage
OP soraka silence denied another penta, and because my shittiest maokai support didn't get me the Zeke's I asked for.
He went 1/14 and spammed surrender every single time he could.
Trying cheese champions for top lane and strats overall for go4lol for and ranked fives. So far what I've been playing religiously in top lane: Galio, Shyvana, Nautilus, Diana.

And a comp that we plan on running. Zyra + Kogmaw bottom with a Karthus mid. A global Karthus ult and three "ghost" passives means every team fight ends in a tie at the worst. Imagine the cleanup in bottom lane. Every time our bot lane gets outplayed, it would just equal back up because of the passives and Karthus ult. Not to mention that an early Zyra pick has the potential to bait out the other team's mid lane early which gives an opportunity to counter if we don't want to run Karthus for whatever reason.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
Since I'm newbie in this game (Even if I'm ashamed to) I'd like to ask:

what would be the difference between top and bot lane, like ''that champion is better top laning than bot laning''

''bot laning with X champion is noob as fuck''

no one ever cared to explain me why.. :<
the only useful thing I know is that AP champions are mostly used in the mid lane (usually apc(I think))
don't even know if I am right lol

ps.: please don't kill me.
For normal PvP, anyone can be played anywhere, really, except junglers. Nobody really follows the meta in PvP.

If you're talking about more serious competition, like draft, or ranked, most will go:

ad/ap melee champ (preferably tanky) top.... Example: Riven
Jungler - Example: WW
AP Mid - Example: Ryze
Support Bot - Example: Taric
ADC (Ranged AD champ) Bot - Example: Ashe
Originally Posted by Colossus View Post
Since I'm newbie in this game (Even if I'm ashamed to) I'd like to ask:

what would be the difference between top and bot lane, like ''that champion is better top laning than bot laning''

''bot laning with X champion is noob as fuck''

no one ever cared to explain me why.. :<
the only useful thing I know is that AP champions are mostly used in the mid lane (usually apc(I think))
don't even know if I am right lol

ps.: please don't kill me.

Don't worry, this is hate free zone. Except for some guy with a duck avatar. You can hate that guy.

The way things are now, the almost exclusive team composition consists of a bruiser, an ap carry, an ad carry, a support, and second bruiser/tank. Each of these roles has a lane that they are usually assigned to.

The bruiser goes top. They are strong fighters who can soak up some damage, while dishing out their own. They are usually melee, but not exclusively.

The ap carry goes mid. There a lot of different types of ap carries, so it is hard to generalize them. They scale off of ability power rather than attack damage, and are great at bursting squishy champions down.

The ad carry goes bot. The adc is ranged, and deals physical damage. They build lots of damage, and are easily killed. Nothing much to say about them.

The support goes bot as well. He is meant to assist the adc in any way he or she can. They buy wards so it is a safer environment. They buff the adc in some way, whether that be with a heal, or an attack speed boost, or even making the enemies easier to kill. They do not kill any minions, as it takes gold from the adc, and instead build items that passively give extra gold over time. They also buy items to help the team instead of just themselves.

The last spot is jungle. With the changes made to the jungle, nearly anyone can. It is clear that some are far superior to others though. Typically the best junglers are bruisers and tanks. The jungler needs to have some form of crowd control to gank lanes.

Basically just know those 5 spots in the meta, and think about if your champion in question would fit there well.
daddy kill the spider
Originally Posted by Numbers View Post
Trying cheese champions for top lane and strats overall for go4lol for and ranked fives. So far what I've been playing religiously in top lane: Galio, Shyvana, Nautilus, Diana.

And a comp that we plan on running. Zyra + Kogmaw bottom with a Karthus mid. A global Karthus ult and three "ghost" passives means every team fight ends in a tie at the worst. Imagine the cleanup in bottom lane. Every time our bot lane gets outplayed, it would just equal back up because of the passives and Karthus ult. Not to mention that an early Zyra pick has the potential to bait out the other team's mid lane early which gives an opportunity to counter if we don't want to run Karthus for whatever reason.

You should look at some M5 team comps, I know they like Zyra/Kogmaw botlane. Its pretty insane if you can land both true damage passives though in teamfights.
mega thanks, Noah ♥

I just played a match against the noobest possible team.

they somehow didn't surrender as everyone though they would, and lost anyways
I was with around 730 AP in the end, and going to finish Zhonya's Hourglass. so it'd be 750.
combing with Q > R > E > W = Triple Kill (or almost)

Last edited by Immotay; Nov 2, 2012 at 05:28 AM. Reason: how the fuck I mixed 'around' with 'about' ?!