Well, I wanna wait till season 3 starts, then go try hard ranked super try hard mode till i hit around 2k elo, having 1.7k elo is my goal ;o
♥ mushu♥
Originally Posted by j4nd0 View Post
Our KDA's for the 4 games


KDA: 3/3.75/16.25


KDA: 6.25/3.5/5.75

Rengar OP! I'm 11/1 now with the Lion, going to make a Rengar guide when I hit gold.

As said before, it's his passive, and his q acts like a critical.
If you get fed early you can super tank him and get absolutely no ad and still dominate.

Well... Who am I to talk? I need some serious help...

All day I haven't gotten a single win.
I really want to hit myself right now due to how bad im doing, I have no idea why I am losing considering I did just fine yesterday.

I need some help. Someone, ANYONE?!?!?!
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
Wow all defeat? i go good with cassiopeia she is really cool if u landed her combos correctly
Hmm try relaxing first and then you play works all the time for me if i feel not good at playing
Last edited by Flipper1998; Nov 10, 2012 at 06:14 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Cass is very fun. Im gonna try relaxing a bit, try to focus.
and no, I've lost 7 in a row.
still RLY bad...
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
New item changes are gonna be interesting. With the new bloodrazor type item teemo is gonna be the new fotm.
And attack speed tf might be viable again.
Originally Posted by m0nk3y8 View Post
As said before, it's his passive, and his q acts like a critical.
If you get fed early you can super tank him and get absolutely no ad and still dominate.

His Q is not what makes Rengar strong, its his W. His W gives him so much for so little; Wave Clear, Magic Damage Burst, Durability, Healing, No Cast Animation. It's incredibly strong, its absurd. The fact that you can Jump with 3 stacks of ferocity > Q proc in air > W > W > E for harass with little to no window of opportunity for retaliation makes Rengar really hard to deal with.

I've gone against most top lanes and I've had little to no trouble in being able to win lane. W is the ultimate weapon in top lane destruction of any champion, and accompanied with champion knowledge he wins any top lane. The hardest lane by far is Jayce due to his counter-engage combo and 500 range but only requires more aggression/cloth armor + x5 pots w/ healing regen quints start and can be dealt with around level 5 with ninja tabi and some Doran Blades/Shield. I went up against Jax and won due to Battle Roar's power. Jax can't shield W, its magic damage. Q > leap > W > W > E and disengage gives Jax 2 options:

1. Not attack and lose the trade
2. Attack you with lower damage due stats gained from Battle Roar.

Rengar, to make trading even harder for Jax, or any top laner hard can go back into the bush and leap to a minion, creating a big distance away from the enemy and the Lion.

Oh, I just thought of something amazing, Rengar can jump to enemy wards so buying a pink ward and placing it in the river bush up at top lane, and be advantageous in the correct situations for an escape method if the enemy plants a ward, you can easily jump to it if the situation at top gets hot, extremely situational of course.

What makes Rengar even more of a monster, he only needs 2 major sources of damage; Bonetooth necklace and a Trinity Force, then he can build straight tank. Spirit Visage, Randuins, Frozen Mallet (Triforce alternative if behind), GA, Maw of Malmortius, Warmogs and his Ultimate turn Rengar into one of the moss vicious anti-AD carry's in the game.

I like Rengar.
Well, I just call him an AD tank.
I don't get the bonetooth necklace because I find it quite worthless after they nerfed it, buy the time it gets good AD I have no need for it because I am already super fed and a pure tank.
I mostly think of it as a waste of an inventory slot, with an exception of the leap range increase, and ult duration increase.
Of course I could just be really bad as him, all work fine considering I hate myself at this exact moment.

Basically though, if you take Rengars passive away he's worthless.

Also, add me, I'd love to see how you play Rengar considering my build only works 60% of the time.

Summoner name is Azurasha. ( I suck )
Last edited by m0nk3y8; Nov 10, 2012 at 07:34 PM.
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
Yeah, im accepting all the help and pointers I can take right now, I really need it.
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.