actually you're really late to welcome me in the clan.I think so all the members of our clan GMT are different.
People or our clan are really inactive.
The leader should warn the people or kick them if they are warn many times.
Xson Moderated Message:
Sexy Boy.
We allready got that going, but yeah, I'm anyway one of the oldest members. I've been co-leader and stuffs. But i "kicked" my self from that position bc I belived I'm too inactive. I don't really have the time i had before. Bc school and gf.
I'm not sure what's happening anymore
So can't you come in-game so we can talk there
Xson Moderated Message:
Sexy Boy.
Sorry ladies. I was.... Grounded.. >.>

First things first... THIS ACTIVITY IS FREAKING SWEET. Wowk.

2nd, thanks for all the activity Xson. You're really halping. <3

3rd. Decent replay Dark. Not one of your best, but still up there!!
ERMEGERD, inactive people es bad. Must kick.
I can't sleep at all but remember the good times back in flip
"Brains are like computers but squishy and very watery :3'' ~D
Well I am thinking that there should be a war today
Xson Moderated Message:
Sexy Boy.
I camed to that Metal and his friend server but i don't know the pass
Xson Moderated Message:
Sexy Boy.
Awesome replay
Xson Moderated Message:
Sexy Boy.