It's alright guys, yeah, they do focus on the forums, but it also about the members and leader. So make sure you are all good ingame and don't start any fights. If you do, be the mature one and end it or leave the room.

Also, I didn't realize I did my 1000th post. ;~;

Well.... Here's to a late celebration...

heyo warden hope you have fun here ;) <3 <3 love you and congratz monkey also did Ryan give you the bank password ?
That gif tho xD I'd like to see that live haha :> Heh.. monkey, I don't really go in game a lot x)
I'm not sure what's happening anymore
Nah. He didn't give me the password, and I am not sure he has taken the money from the bank... Because we have 54k in there.. And If he has taken the 50k... WHEN IN THE WORLD DID WE HAVE 104K!??!!
No... I didn't send it. I was going to wait it out for a bit and see if they did it later but I don't know if they have. I'll tell them again tomorrow. :P
Not gonna post a GIF because i already congrats Monkey
Xson Moderated Message:
Sexy Boy.
Monkey can you come ingame?
Xson Moderated Message:
Sexy Boy.