Привет ребята, как ваши дела? Всех с праздниками! Как отметили?
Hi my name is Matt, i'm 21 years old. I currently attend college in NY, and also a citizen of the US. My background for toribash is extensive. I started in 08 under the account RocYaJaw. My most recent clan was duck, but I have been in clans such as ICoF, 42, Ta and others back in the day. I created this account after not playing for almost 4 years and couldn't remember my old account and stuck with this one for those who may have questions for why don't I use my other account.

You can typically find me in both TK lobbies (TK,ErthTK), i'm currently learning rk-mma, and lenushu but if I would say my most confident mod is TK. I hate snapkickers, and those anonymous players who play on alt's and never give you a rematch. Obviously back in the day and currently now Alpha has always been a forefront clan in TB, top 5 in my personal opinion. Alpha has always remained exclusive to those deemed worthy by skill, personality, and connections. I feel that I can add to an already developed clan new life, optimistic ideas, and a contestant in-game presence, with a pinch of a sense of humor. I use TB on my downtime from athletics, and college.

I have posted my replays. 3 SP's and 2 MP's. I have more if you would like.

I apologize if this app is long, I rather be through than not, kinda like being over prepared rather than not prepared enough.
Attached Files
Spl 10 v2.rpl (150.6 KB, 8 views)
Spl 11 v2.rpl (183.6 KB, 2 views)
Spl 9 v3.rpl (179.3 KB, 3 views)
37.rpl (74.0 KB, 4 views)
32.rpl (82.5 KB, 4 views)
Greetings to y'all [Alpha]'s

Since BlueEvil and TIcux said that i should definitely try to apply for [Alpha], I am hereby doing exactly that.

Basically I wanna show that i am interested in joining since you guys are looking for an aikido player.

However, I can't really tell if I am actually qualified for representing the best Tb Clan in the most common mod. Therefore I am asking, if any [Alpha] member could take the time to play some matches with me and judge on my aikido skills.

Anyways, thx for taking the time to read all of this and I hope to meet some of you ingame in the near future

Originally Posted by King View Post
Greetings to y'all [Alpha]'s

Since BlueEvil and TIcux said that i should definitely try to apply for [Alpha], I am hereby doing exactly that.

Basically I wanna show that i am interested in joining since you guys are looking for an aikido player.

However, I can't really tell if I am actually qualified for representing the best Tb Clan in the most common mod. Therefore I am asking, if any [Alpha] member could take the time to play some matches with me and judge on my aikido skills.

Anyways, thx for taking the time to read all of this and I hope to meet some of you ingame in the near future


Would I know you by a name other than "King"?
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
I was called Dreamskip, but I don't know if you ever met me :/

I wasn't quite the famous kid back then
Last edited by King; Mar 12, 2015 at 01:36 PM.