Thanks Panda may you success to be a real panda
Xson Moderated Message:
Sexy Boy.
Originally Posted by monkeyapex View Post
LOL That didn't make sense but it sounded funny. xD I understood what you said anyway Xson. x)

actually i wanted to make a non sense and funny sentence
Xson Moderated Message:
Sexy Boy.
rank 26 bit better then 29 but we used to be 21 so lets try and get to that again so il start warring at least five times a week and will solo them if i have to i will warn people on skype and on the clan thread if you would like to join ;) <3
Yeah keep getting that warring done. I may not do it sometimes but if you want to solo war just ask me to set it up and you can go solo if you want.

Or see one of the War Managers.