Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Uniteam Recruiting
You, Yes YOU! If you are reading this, you wanna be a Uniteam member.
Why you ask?
Because you would be helping new people and will feel good about yourself.

So since you're so interested, you might wanna know what you are going to be required to do. Well these things:

1 Hour of server sitting daily
4 Beginner Tourneys a month (non consecutive days)
Be Awesome.

Oh you still there? Sorry I got distracted by how awesome Uniteam is.
Well since you're so interested I'll have you know we have standards:

Fluent in English (other languages are handy but not currently required)
MUST be active in-game and on IRC
Capability to be Awesome.

PM Applications to Me or Tryton

Applications are free form for the most part though I do need to know your GMT. Applications will be closed on Saturday.
Last edited by Enzu; Jun 20, 2011 at 05:13 PM.
<Vox> meh, you never end up anywhere in computer
<Vox> you are just where ever you are
<avwave> its always fun to eat a polymorph ring
<avwave> unless you morph into a basilisk in a room full of mirrors
<Vox> I just imagine a guy in a lab coat and fluffy gloves holding a snowflake being stared down by the university research managers
Originally Posted by Echoforce View Post
Generally when voting, A good friend of the applicant isn't accepted because It is usually obvious that you are good friends and that there would a bias, so, generally people don't vote on their good friends, or they just give a neutral vote with some of the pros/cons of this said good friend or whatever.
props if you can make sense of that

Then, I hope I make it.

I bet though people voted no cause the did not like me.
Originally Posted by Echoforce View Post
Generally when voting, A good friend of the applicant isn't accepted because It is usually obvious that you are good friends and that there would a bias, so, generally people don't vote on their good friends, or they just give a neutral vote with some of the pros/cons of this said good friend or whatever.
props if you can make sense of that

Of course, if the good friend is still a good applicant, then he can still be accepted.

All in all, biases pretty much won't affect the voting process.
Does age affect if you'll be accepted or not because I'm 16, going on 17 in august, and I see most of the staff I see, are 18 and above

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
Originally Posted by MegaCash View Post
Does age affect if you'll be accepted or not because I'm 16, going on 17 in august, and I see most of the staff I see, are 18 and above

That is not true :s I know a few that are under 18. And it shouldn't matter if your good, one of the admins(think delaid) is like 16 now(maybe 17 not sure haven't spoken to him in awhile ;s)
Originally Posted by Huck View Post
Of course, if the good friend is still a good applicant, then he can still be accepted.

All in all, biases pretty much won't affect the voting process.

Yeah. Even you have friend in UT, I don't think that it will help. Guys will vote only for applications, not for their friends. As far as I know they must post reasons to vote positively or negatively, so they cant to post only: "I'm going to say yes" or only "Yes".
Last edited by BlackSugar; Jun 24, 2011 at 02:07 AM.
I personally take a no-bias approach to any applications I have a say-so over, even if I like the person a lot. I'm assuming it's the same for most other people.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Originally Posted by Shuckle View Post
That is not true :s I know a few that are under 18. And it shouldn't matter if your good, one of the admins(think delaid) is like 16 now(maybe 17 not sure haven't spoken to him in awhile ;s)

Rittu is 16, maybe 17 now.
Not giving a fuck about hurricanes is pretty badass - Fee

To answer some questions as I was a recent uniteam member myself, no, this won't be the, "most boring job in the world". I had a lot of fun as a uniteam member, you got to send out globals completely free of charge, host tournaments, have meetings, and do all sorts of great stuff. We weren't really as recognized but it was still good fun. I do like the aspect that the staff is trying to reform the uniteam by making it sort of like what tori-agents used to be like, so that is another good thing. So yeah, this job won't be very boring, and I know from experience.