ok before i send u the tc can u tell me how u plan to give me the set?
('''''\O,,,,O/''''') BEAR ATTACK!!!!!! [havoc]
Originally Posted by xXDejanXx View Post
@sencesfail: send the tc and i will send the set.
@hato: Here is the set (if you don't like it tell me and i will remake)

ok ima send u 11k ct for this when u tell me how im getting this
('''''\O,,,,O/''''') BEAR ATTACK!!!!!! [havoc]
ok but u will have to tell me how do this cause this will be my first time trying this
('''''\O,,,,O/''''') BEAR ATTACK!!!!!! [havoc]
Who you want to do the set: Dejan.
How much are you willing to pay for it: Up to 30000 Tc.
Colors: Quicksilver and Gaia (You can always use some other shades of grey if needed).
Style: Robot.
Anything else you would like on the set: Make sure to stick to the robot style.

Oh yeah, only body textures. No trails, ground or DQ.
they know my style, they've done it b4.... so i want one the same style too btw it was robotic.. look a the sets from 1-11 in the front page