Originally Posted by UltraViolent View Post
No racism intended but Im not black and I can't talk fast.And why the fuck would I want to do something I Hate??

Because you'd make millions. Also you are the one being racist by implying you have to be black to rap.

Either way you didn't refute my argument. You are just a 12-14 year old who believes your favorite genre is the only "true" form of music and refuses to respect and appreciate other genres.
I think the OP is trying to discuss why vocal talent that seems minimalistic breeds success while the hard work and instrumentalism of a lot of musicians gets little to no appreciation.

And although there are obvious genres that pertain to this topic, this isn't really a place to discuss which genres are better than others.

music matches a style and attitude.
different genre's give off different vibes.
if you dont like the style, you usually wont like the styles associated music.
music isnt always about learning instruments or singing etc. its about production, doing something new, fitting new styles and vibes.

so talent doesnt make good music.

regardless, most of the artists you mentioned are (or where, in some cases) decent vocalists and artists and are pretty talented in their own right.
Last edited by BenDover; Oct 10, 2011 at 01:55 PM.
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Originally Posted by UltraViolent View Post
No racism intended but Im not black and I can't talk fast

*cough* eminem *cough cough*

but seriously, last time i checked Eminem was one of the skinniest white boys i've seen. and he raps better then most of the black ones i've seen.

also yes i like LMFAO (bit obvious since i've got a vip pack with them) but i DO LIKE OTHER MUSIC, (also note this is kinda changing into a "what kind of music do you like more" thread) i like some classical songs, western, nirvana (just to start off my certain bands/artist's/duo's that i like) veronica's, simple plan, Good Charlotte, The Used, H.I.M, Guy Sebastian, Natalie impossibletospelllastnamebassingtwaite, bit of the spice girls (yes i am serious) and that's to name a few!

Also some TALENT requires TRAINING, i would know, i have a natural talent to pick up mathmatics, BUT I STILL NEED TO TRAIN IF I WANT TO GET BETTER. You are not just born a super genius in one area of expertise (<-- can't remember if that's the right spelling >.>) this applies to ALL AREAS OF LIFE!
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
So some people can't scream better than others?

By better, that could be louder, longer, stronger, etc.

Don't forget adding vibrato on a highnote while screaming.

Also I don't see any of the mainstream artists singing with falsetto vocals.
That shit takes talent. You either have the voice for it or you don't. Falsetto vocals can't be trained just to anyone same goes for Growls. You either have the voice or you don't, Most males have the voice to growl, but do they know how? I think not. Growls and Screaming is a talent when it comes down to how you use them.

Some of the best vocalist I can think of are in Metal.

And guys leave Slipknot out of this, Their riffs are shit, their drummer is alright their vocalist is shit, and their songs are shit. This band is the definition of an angsty teen trying to rebel.
I fail to see the art in their music.

I make old school death metal and these guys... They're shitting on meta as we speak. Their riffs are just so... Commercial, it's weird same goes with Disturbed. These two bands and many mainstream metal shits on the metal. Just because you get picked up by producers who don't play instruments doesn't make you good, like at all, that means you just sold out before making your own record label, it isn't hard, Just need the money.
Originally Posted by Twankie View Post
And screaming isn't really a talent unless its like beyonce or singing screaming or whatever.

I said something about screaming?
Originally Posted by UltraViolent View Post
Ye i guess.However you agree that its kinda unfair because the computer does almost everything yet some random dude screams his head off?Hyde I was the biggest rave/RnB/PoP fan you can find.Im not bias :/.

Yes,i agree with you.
Originally Posted by Przero View Post
*cough* eminem *cough cough*

but seriously, last time i checked Eminem was one of the skinniest white boys i've seen. and he raps better then most of the black ones i've seen.

also yes i like LMFAO (bit obvious since i've got a vip pack with them) but i DO LIKE OTHER MUSIC, (also note this is kinda changing into a "what kind of music do you like more" thread) i like some classical songs, western, nirvana (just to start off my certain bands/artist's/duo's that i like) veronica's, simple plan, Good Charlotte, The Used, H.I.M, Guy Sebastian, Natalie impossibletospelllastnamebassingtwaite, bit of the spice girls (yes i am serious) and that's to name a few!

Also some TALENT requires TRAINING, i would know, i have a natural talent to pick up mathmatics, BUT I STILL NEED TO TRAIN IF I WANT TO GET BETTER. You are not just born a super genius in one area of expertise (<-- can't remember if that's the right spelling >.>) this applies to ALL AREAS OF LIFE!

Too bad eminem is now the most embarrasing dishonoured rapper that our eyes saw.
Making songs with Rihannah. Wow thats fantastic.
It never amazes me what money can do to you, but i guess eminem chose the fame instead of the glory.
I've noticed this guy's psychological condition is getting worse, after all he is been throught.
Justin bieber is actually a talented singer, I have seen him perform live so I know what I'm talking about.

He only had that light childish voice because that's what sells, that's what the labels want, money.

In his latest album his voice is alot deeper.
you mean its breaking and sounds like any other teenage boy. I had no issue with his vocal talent befor.
his performance at the VMA's was horrible.
and he was pretty much a backing singer in that chris brown or whatever song.
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