View Poll Results: Which of the items shown in the first post should become our 1st place prize?
Item 1
93 Votes / 48.44%
Item 2
99 Votes / 51.56%
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[GM] Clan League 2014

The time has come to once again gather your clans for battle in the biggest event of the year, brought to you by the GameMasters it’s the 2014 Clan League!

Your clan must be at least two months old at the start of the Clan league to be eligible for the clan league and have a minimum of 5 active members. There will be something different from last year, you must include rosters of at least 4 people in your clan. Only people on this provided roster may play for the clan, and players cannot be added or removed after your application is sent in. Anyone who joins two or more clans on alts will be severely punished.

You apply by having the leader of the clan to send 5k to ManlyPotato. Then you must copy and paste the application form below and fill it out. There will be a maximum for 48 participants and 16 of those spots are reserved for the furthest clans last year so apply quickly!

Top 16 2013 Clans

Clan Name:
Age of clan: (Can be found on your toriclan page)
We have sent 5k to ManlyPotato.
Clan Roster:


There will be multiple mods each round and the first round of this is going to be the best of 5 mods including the mystery mod. There will be a minimum of 4 players, with a max of 4 games played per round. Spectators of your clan are allowed to watch. No player may play more than two games in a row.

The clan war is to be finished within a week from the start of the round, if not the win will go to the clan showing the most activity will go to the next round. If a match isn't arranged between the two clans both are disqualified from the competition. No exceptions.

The mod list is as follows:
The mystery mod for this round is Sambo-off.tbm

A round will consist of three games in each of these mods. There is a mystery mod which will be revealed at the start of each round, giving a total of 5 mods and 15 matches per round.

Players in the roster who have played at least 3 matches across all of the rounds combined are eligible for prizes, which include a custom trophy item and custom 3D item made specially for Clan League 2014. Previews of the item will be posted here as they become available.

Update: Item 2 has been chosen and that will be your prize! Note that this item is not textured yet; though it will be finished by the end of Clan League.

Item 2

Under no circumstances are you to join two or more clans in the competition using alts

If a clan dies or can’t produce the members needed for each round, they will forfeit the competition.

Players are only eligible for prizes if they have played 3 matches across the duration of the event.

If a match isn't arranged between the two clans, both are disqualified. If one clan can show that they actively attempted to arrange with the other clan and the effort was not reciprocated, that clan may be given the win.

Your clan must be at least two months old at the start of the Clan league to be eligible for the clan league and have a minimum of 5 active members.

You must include rosters of at least 4 people in your clan, and players cannot be added or removed.

No player may play more than 4 games in any round.

No player may play more than 2 games in a row in any round.

Along with the results of your matches, please post in this thread a list of games played including both participants and the winner.

You have one week to arrange and complete your war each round. Under no circumstances will extensions be allowed.

The Rules can and may change in favour of making the event better.

The finals must be completed by the end of September 12th.

The IRC channel used last year is to be used again. We advise you use it to set up matches and discussing anything ingame related. To join it click here: #events

Art by Chris
Last edited by Risk; Sep 3, 2014 at 01:04 AM.
Oh I get it now. Took me a while. I didn't keep in mind you can still win 1 match but lose in that mod.

Now that I think of it, I'm not sure how this will work with the clan war system, if a clan wins 2 matches in 3 mods that clan automatically wins the round, making it first to 6. Now if a clan wins 2 matches in 3 mods and also wins 1 match in a mod they lost in, that would make it a total of 7 wins, if a war was set to first to 8, the clan that won 7 matches would still win the round but not the war. I think the war system would just be an official way of keeping score.

NOTE: Three matches do not have to be played if a clan wins 2 matches in a row without the other clan winning one match.
Last edited by Toxic; Jul 20, 2014 at 06:12 AM.
Creati0n is the WORST Smite player EVER
Toxic is right. I was just about to type that. Is it really a rule that we have to use the war system? Because there are clearly some issues that can come about.
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
Where in the rules does it say the clan war system has to be used?
Just do a normal clan war like every other clan league.
Originally Posted by Risk View Post
The bracket has been posted, and you are all free to start your matches now. The preliminaries are to be completed no later than Sunday, July 27th. Be sure to do your matches as clan wars so that your wins can be verified, in addition to posting the results here.

Please also include a full game list including the two participants and the winner. Each clan should post the full game list so that there is confirmation by both sides that the information is correct.


So do we use it or not?
Originally Posted by Toxic View Post
NOTE: Three matches do not have to be played if a clan wins 2 matches in a row without the other clan winning one match.

Also, is this true? I dont remember reading anything about this.
Last edited by Shockey; Jul 20, 2014 at 07:06 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Yeah, what Holo said. Because of the logistical errors in using the system, it wouldn't make sense to use it. Just catalog your games and present your data at the end of each round, and your opponent clan will do the same thing. The data should match, and that will verify the results.

Originally Posted by Risk View Post
Along with the results of your matches, please post in this thread a list of games played including both participants and the winner.

EDIT: oh god Shockey, way to ruin my perfect bubble of ignorance.

Risk, what's happening?
Last edited by Sarutobi; Jul 20, 2014 at 07:13 AM.
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
Originally Posted by Toxic View Post
NOTE: Three matches do not have to be played if a clan wins 2 matches in a row without the other clan winning one match.

Also, is this true? I dont remember reading anything about this.

If a clan wins 2 matches in a row without the other clan winning one match it wouldn't make sense to play an extra match if a clan has already won in that mod.
Creati0n is the WORST Smite player EVER
But do all mods have to play out. Couldnt you win 3 in one mod, 3 in another, and 2 in the next and basically have a sure win (since 8 wins means you can only have 7 loses or less).

Why would you just win twice and go to the next mod?
I'm thinking it's just a best of 15 clan war (first to 8 wins).

Originally Posted by Toxic View Post
If a clan wins 2 matches in a row without the other clan winning one match it wouldn't make sense to play an extra match if a clan has already won in that mod.

To simplify the concept, imagine each round as one clan war (first to 8 wins) where you're forced to play each mod three times. Even if you've won two games of judofrac.tbm in a row, the third game is still extremely important for the best of 15 clan war, so it is still played.

Personally, I would have went with each round consisting of 5 best of 3 matches, with the clan that wins in three mods being the victor, but if I'm not mistaken, what I said before is how they're running it. Plus, my way would be extremely tedious given the current clan war system.

I'm sure Risk'll clear it up himself by tomorrow, so it might just be best to wait until then to take any action, but if you're going to go ahead and do it anyway, just set the game limit to 15 and first to 8, then commence the war following the established mod rules. Also catalog each fight (who fought who, who won, what mod) and at the end of the round post the information here.
Last edited by Sarutobi; Jul 20, 2014 at 07:28 AM.
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
I'll just wait till everything clears up and risk explains everything. If its not a rule to win 2 and go to next mod, im not gonna do it that way.

We'll see.