Original Post
Nabi Christmas Head Texture Giveaway
STARTING 22nd Dec 2008, 0000GMT

Free Head Textures!
We are giving away head textures to the more active newbies in the community! Why? Because it's Christmas! Also, each of you will be given a choice of FOUR Hanz0 minion head textures. To be displayed soon.

I will be opening this thread up at 0000GMT on 22nd Dec 2008. Post your APPLICATIONS HERE.

ALL Textures will be send after evaluation, on 30th December 2008.

For 1,500 Qi and below, 100 Sets only.

+Qi Level:
+How long you've been playing:
+Play at least 20 games a day from 22nd Dec to 26th Dec.

For enquiries, PM Riseagainst
Last edited by Gman80; Dec 22, 2008 at 07:17 PM.
Gone Fishing
name: fat0ninja (duh, see to the right =P )
Qi level: 824
length of time playing: 3 months? not sure. i do play a lot though
country: australia (ozzie ozzie ozzie oy oy oy!)
Originally Posted by KIKO1000 View Post
and i play at least 25 games everyday

If you did, your QI would be muuuch higher.... do the math.
man.... wish I could've seen this thread when I had less than 1500 qi. oh well. back to hard work!
every ten seconds I kill 7 puppies. The only way to prevent this is by clicking this savin' puppies
+Name: RaiZek72
+Qi Level: 624
+How long you've been playing: 1 month..
+Country: Paraguay

Last edited by RaiZek72; Dec 28, 2008 at 04:59 AM. Reason: Only playing 1 month... sorry...
+Name: crockwtf
+Qi Level: 444
+How long you've been playing: 19 days
+Country: Russia
27th December, I Win 42 battles...
28th December, I Win 67 battles...
29th December, I win 40 battles...
Last edited by Octane; Dec 29, 2008 at 08:26 PM.
name: Ivolt
qi level: 638
how long I have been playing: started playing more since october
country: Canada
I have not been playing toribash for a while because of the christmas season I have been spending more time with family and friends. so I have not played 20 games since Dec 22nd, but will start playing toribash more often as the season fades away.

best wishes,
Thanks for all your submissions.

We'll be giving these heads out over the next 2/3 days and looking at all your applications and in-game activity as well.

Cheers and good luck!

Also, NO FURTHER APPLICATIONS will be entertained from this point.
Gone Fishing