Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Evaluation Type: Both
Name: Pofosho
TC total: 0
Qi: Around 400
Inventory link:
Ban/infraction history:Non
Booster/Toribash prime information: Na
Anything else you wish to add:Was created in 08 has a couple posts
Last edited by ATD; Feb 16, 2011 at 12:10 PM.
[OLDA]|[Ultimate]|Order of Taekkyon| ex-GameMaster
Questions concerns? Pm me
ITEM - Acid Force
Evaluation Type - TC
Thank you

5 or 6k is reasonable

Evaluation Type: Both
Name: Pofosho
TC total: 0
Qi: Around 400
Inventory link:
Ban/infraction history:Non
Booster/Toribash prime information: Na
Anything else you wish to add:Was created in 08 has a couple posts

like 4k at the most
Item - Chronos Lax and Adamantium Secondary G
Evaluation Type - TC
You thought you can kill me? Well I am already dead. So Fuck you and your inbred son in law.
Im considering selling this very account for a good price
Type: Both
Name: ATD
TC: 14k
QI : 4100
Inv link :
Ban History: Useless post etc
Anything Else: Have over 1000 posts and I'll only sell this for a good amount of tc
[OLDA]|[Ultimate]|Order of Taekkyon| ex-GameMaster
Questions concerns? Pm me
Item - Full 128
Evaluation Type - TC


Item - Chronos Lax and Adamantium Secondary G
Evaluation Type - TC

chronos lax - 30tc max
ada - 1.8k

Im considering selling this very account for a good price
Type: Both
Name: ATD
TC: 14k
QI : 4100
Inv link :
Ban History: Useless post etc
Anything Else: Have over 1000 posts and I'll only sell this for a good amount of tc

like 55k at the most
Evaluation Type: Both
Name: Gum
TC total: 212150
Qi: 23340
Inventory link: Deactivated Activated
Ban/infraction history: No bans, a few infractions, all expired.
Booster/Toribash prime information: Toriprime for about 10 more months, VIP for 5 months
Anything else you wish to add: Just looking for a price right now, not selling at the moment.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
you are looking at about 120$ and 1.4kk in tc (you probibally could get a little more if you find the right buyer)
A bit curious :3

Evaluation Type: Both Please
Name: LWafflez
TC total: Only 61k atm
Qi: Almost 6th dan
Inventory link: It would be with:
Warrior Force
Quicksilver Force
Void Relax (got this from the 500 event)
Pure Relax (bought from Marketeers)
Full 512
Ban/infraction history: 2 expired infractions for useless posts.
Booster/Toribash prime information: TP and VIP. I'm not sure how long I have left on it. I bought it sometime during the time of the rollback and had to contact support about getting it back. So I don't know if that reset the time or if it still counts the time it had from before the rollback.
Anything else you wish to add: Not, really.[/QUOTE]
Item- 1 chrome head

And why not:

Evaluation Type: Both, but USD prefered.
Name: callisto1
TC total: 1,440
Qi: 2299
Inventory link: http://forum.toribash.com/tori_inven...?userid=647830
Ban/infraction history: 3 Useless post, 2, 2, 0, all expired.
Booster/Toribash prime information: None
Anything else you wish to add: Nothin'.
Last edited by callisto1; Feb 20, 2011 at 10:22 AM.