Originally Posted by DarkEmber View Post
Yes, and I will have the 10,000th post.

Originally Posted by xXSJXx View Post
The 10k post is mine ;) Don't you dare take it from me ^^

Don't you dear to touch that 10,000th post ! :P
Xson Moderated Message:
Sexy Boy.
Originally Posted by Darkerharder View Post
guys. its me or it take too much time to the clan mod and stuff to vote if we become official or no?

I didn't quite understand this post darker.. But if im right does you ask if it taks time for the mods to vote us up to official? And yeah, it takes a whille. But have we even signed up? because we still have that 50k in the clanbank
I'm not sure what's happening anymore
Originally Posted by xXSJXx View Post
I didn't quite understand this post darker.. But if im right does you ask if it taks time for the mods to vote us up to official? And yeah, it takes a whille. But have we even signed up? because we still have that 50k in the clanbank

yeah. and sry for my spelling coz im very tired here i just came back from work and stuff.
oh. but i saw a few day ago our clan name here in the " Clans/Orgs Being Discussed."
Last edited by Darkerharder; Jan 26, 2015 at 07:49 PM. Reason: omg @.@
just a fancy signature
Well, it's not you're fault ben, we just gotta try to keep improving and start getting more mature on here. Damn.. this is the 2nd bad news I've gotten today :/
I'm not sure what's happening anymore
Don't blame yourself Monkey, it's not that big of a deal. Keep the chins up and hope for better next time. We will become official.

What was the first bad news SJ? x)

well, it's quite a long story but I'll try to make it short.

My sister got a diagnose (No clue what it's called) But she takes stuffs worse than we others. And she's getting bullied in school because she isn't the smalles person in the world (Not saying she's fat or anything but yeah.) She's a little over weight. And she's been bullied quite a while, (btw she's fucking 9 years old -.-'.) But yeah to the point, she have starting writing shit.. and yeah I do mean shit.. like death letters where she writes like "I don't wanna be with this anymore".. so yeah...
I just have no idea what to do about it .___. I can't just watch while my sisters life is getting ruind because of some bullshit kids.. -.-'

(Sorry ben, Bad words.. I'm just kinda frustrated..)

But guys, we still have 56k in the clan bank, so lets try again in a couple of months ^^
Last edited by xXSJXx; Jan 26, 2015 at 11:01 PM.
I'm not sure what's happening anymore
That really sucks to hear SJ. Talk to her, tell someone. They'll sort it out mate.

And as far as I'm aware, swearing is only banned in the Skype chat, because people's parent check Skypes.

I prefer it to be clean all around. Please refrain from using it.

I'm so sorry SJ. If you need to talk about it, you know where to find me. Always willing to listen.

The 56k in the bank is a glitch I believe. They said they took it out but it displays as 56k for some reason. I'm pretty sure they said they took it though.
Originally Posted by monkeyapex View Post

I feel like I let you guys down. I'm sorry.

Originally Posted by xXSJXx View Post
Well, it's not you're fault ben, we just gotta try to keep improving and start getting more mature on here. Damn.. this is the 2nd bad news I've gotten today :/

Originally Posted by DarkEmber View Post
Don't blame yourself Monkey, it's not that big of a deal. Keep the chins up and hope for better next time. We will become official.

What was the first bad news SJ? x)

Try try until you success -xD
Just chill guys nothing to worry or to be sad
-Its like fat mama want's to be slim heh,
Xson Moderated Message:
Sexy Boy.