Originally Posted by Swaves View Post
Hey! I'm glad to be apart of this clan!

Is there a change I could be in a marketeer rank? I'm not as talented as your other members at replay making and don't think I deserve to be in such a rank with other skilled replay makers (because I'm terrible at sparring and parkour)

oh hi dood nice to see u with us! hehe
and have fun eh!
just a fancy signature
Hey, I met you yesterday but we didn't talk much. Welcome to the clan, hope you have a good time

Parkour • Spar • Skating
Originally Posted by Swaves View Post
Hey! I'm glad to be apart of this clan!

Is there a change I could be in a marketeer rank? I'm not as talented as your other members at replay making and don't think I deserve to be in such a rank with other skilled replay makers (because I'm terrible at sparring and parkour)

this town ain't big enough for two marketeers!
Jk :3
Glad to have you aboard, buddy.
Last edited by Lucid; Feb 5, 2015 at 06:46 PM.
Sick :(
Hey, sorry for the inactivity ( on the thread ).
I'v been sick for nearly a week now, i'm getting better ;)
Last edited by Demecy; Feb 5, 2015 at 08:43 PM.
It's alright man. We're all a little inactive at the moment. We've got school and exams (Halp me). It's gonna be a tough few months for us all I think. :c
Thanks for the welcome guys!

It's my first day at my TAFE cert 2 and I have to wear these weird looking clothes, hopefully the other people in my class are wearing the same stuff so I don't feel stupid :|
Welcome Sawaves, I'm SJ, This clans biggest fool ^-^ And Co leader, but that's less important. Hope you'll enjoy your stay and stay long . We're all like one big family here, so if anything is bothering you just tell us and we'll try to sort it out.

And guys, me and gf had our 4 month yesterday :3 (5th) :3
And sorry for being inactive, I got so much to do ._. I barely have time with anything as it is right now but I'll try to keep an eye on the thread

Cheers :*
I'm not sure what's happening anymore