seems as though mogul is now immortal
. . .
list0 on Discord, reach out for inquiries.
Or send me a private message, I'm responsive.


[7:19 PM] Aliosa: Can't have loopholes if there are no loops.

[9:14 AM] Viddah: Just remember if you step on toes youre gonna have to suck on them to make the pain go away
[9:16 AM] [Faux_fan]ancient: put me in the screenshot
melrose you should post a picture of your keyboard
. . .
list0 on Discord, reach out for inquiries.
Or send me a private message, I'm responsive.


[7:19 PM] Aliosa: Can't have loopholes if there are no loops.

[9:14 AM] Viddah: Just remember if you step on toes youre gonna have to suck on them to make the pain go away
[9:16 AM] [Faux_fan]ancient: put me in the screenshot
Do you toribash with your mind?
. . .
list0 on Discord, reach out for inquiries.
Or send me a private message, I'm responsive.


[7:19 PM] Aliosa: Can't have loopholes if there are no loops.

[9:14 AM] Viddah: Just remember if you step on toes youre gonna have to suck on them to make the pain go away
[9:16 AM] [Faux_fan]ancient: put me in the screenshot
im just happy we're not losing brackets
. . .
list0 on Discord, reach out for inquiries.
Or send me a private message, I'm responsive.


[7:19 PM] Aliosa: Can't have loopholes if there are no loops.

[9:14 AM] Viddah: Just remember if you step on toes youre gonna have to suck on them to make the pain go away
[9:16 AM] [Faux_fan]ancient: put me in the screenshot
Simple. You would first remove the legs. For those who have experience in doing this, and would need to stuff the skin afterwards, the legs are not removed. But this page is not for stuffing, but for food. So cut off all the legs. Cut it below the ankle. Next, Slit the skin at the mouth. Start at one side of the lower jaw, at the corner of the mouth. Follow the lower jaw while slitting, until you reach the part at the other side where the lower and upper jaw meet. Continue slitting, while following the upper jaw, until you reach where you started. No slowly separate the skin from the meat by peeling it off. Make sure the skin is not torn. Now peel towards the tail. You can do this alone. An easier way is when you have peeled enough of the lower and upper skin so as to give you a better handhold. Have someone hold the mouth, then pull the skin towards the tail, as if you are undressing a doll. The skin will come away whole, up to the tip of the skin. Remove all the viscera, and the tongue. Wash where the mouth is. For snakes, the procedure is the same, execpt that you bypass the steps about the legs.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.