Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I love Rengar, Rengar is my favourite champion in the game. Just played him and he is still a bully in lane, just don't build him pure glass cannon...

Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Originally Posted by Colossus View Post
what's the champions you guys plays most ? and if you could tell me why such as pros and cons I'd be glad, because I'll be having 1400rp soon and I don't know yet which one I should buy, or if I should save more rp for those 7 extra rune pages.
any tips ?

I play lots of Akali. She's just super fun and fits my playstyle well.

Versatile. I normally take her mid but she can also be played top. She's decent at roaming too.
Loads of burst damage. Especially when coupled with a gunblade and/or a death fire grasp
Good means of escape (twilgiht shroud (w) stealth and shadow dance (r) dash/jump) and can pull of amazing jukes.
Easy to farm with.
Snowballs hard if you do well. Even if you don't do well early on when you hit level 6 everything changes. You get a lot more burst and you become a lot more mobile. Katarina mid normally counters me out 1-6 but once I get my ult the tables turn. If there are minions around you can simply jump out of her ult. Also good against lux and other skillshot based champs because you can just jump away.
Akali is good at escaping ganks too because of aforesaid stealth and jump.
Free kills for you if enemies try to tower dive you. Just pop your shroud and hide. Burst them a bit if you have anything left and you'll spellvamp it back with your passive.
Her passive gives here some sustain early game but nothing too great.

To make her passive useful early on you need a very specific rune page.
She has little crowd control. Her w gives a small slow so it can be thrown down if you are running away or if enemies are chasing your team and you want to slow them all. Rylais scepter fixes this though.
Akali gets shut down by crowd control.
Oracles and vision wards kill her stealth utility but now that oracles has been nerfed it's not so bad. Whenever I play the team is either too stupid or simply can't be bothered to get oracles and vision wards anyway. Probably because I play Normals. Ranked would be a different story.
Akali is also quite squishy so you need to watch yourself and be careful in fights.

But yea, Akali is really fun to play.
Originally Posted by Numbers View Post
The same damage as AP Nidalee in one hit? Nobody.

What they lack in damage, they make up for in actually being able to hit somebody in a 1v1.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
If you can play AP Nidalee well, you can make her viable. Most of the mids being overpicked at the moment are strictly burst in and out like LeBlanc, Annie, Anivia, this is strictly public games and doesn't go into the competitive scene at all but a 1400 damage poke that is slightly spammable is definitely not worthless and her cat form gives her enough mobility to position herself however she wants. Even if they stack MR because your poke does too much, you still have one of the best single target heals in the game and your traps will provide nice map coverage. (also, if you throw in a lich bane in your build somewhere your auto attack and/or Q on hit will do loads of damage, assuming you got fed from early game-mid game where Nidalee shines the most)
Originally Posted by j4nd0 View Post
I love Rengar, Rengar is my favourite champion in the game. Just played him and he is still a bully in lane, just don't build him pure glass cannon...

Go to watch this, end up watching 15 of your videos. Goodbye hour of my life ):
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
some friends and I just decide to fully ignore the meta games
Everyone choose a tank, and since they had a jungle we went 1 solo top, 2 mid and 2 bot just for fun
this is the result:

I might upload the replay file soon, lol that was really fun.
Starting to hate this game.

On a regular losing streak as well as a ranked losing streak. Not sure what I'm doing wrong, I haven't fed any of my lanes nor been uncooperative with my teams. Why do I constantly get retarded players as teammates? I hate this elo hell I'm in, and I really would like to get out of it.