Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by KiTFoX View Post
shut up you idiot bitches i have infiltrated your dumb clan

We officially have 3 fallus.

Moop what have you done!
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by Bodhisattva View Post
We officially have 3 fallus.

Moop what have you done!

No more fallus now I promise
Hello, my name is Rocktheday in-game. My real name is Jalen. I am 15. I love to play Toribash. My favorite mods are Mushu, TK, Boxshu, and ABD. I like to fight with honor and respect. I treat everyone like they treat me. (which means treat me like shit and you will get the same treatment) I think Parrot is an awesome clan to be in. I want to fight along side Moop and everyone else. Anyways back to me, I live in Arkansas. Currently a 9th grader (going to 10th next year ) If I am not online, that means either I don't have wifi at that point in time or that I am doing school work. Hope you enjoyed reading. I will have a replay linked to this showing me murdering one of my former clan mates in Erthtk.

Arm rip gg.rpl
Originally Posted by KiTFoX View Post
shut up you idiot bitches i have infiltrated your dumb clan

Ok, that's it.
You're banned.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation

Short and Sweet Application
For those that don't have time to read a long one

Username: K0HTA
Real Name: Don
Age: 22 (Born Oct. 12th, 1993)
Previous Clans: One (ThePirateKing's old clan when it was dead), Vibe, Spectators.
Reasons for leaving each: One was dead at the time and I wanted to join my first active clan. Vibe was a great clan, but I wanted to take a shot at running my own so Sparky let me leave and we became allied clans. Spectators was my own clan and I left it after built up stress and important members leaving (aka "out-of-game friends").
Reason for applying: I wanted to try joining an official clan for once since I love the forums and after looking at a lot of clans I decided that parrot had both people I liked/know and was active both in-game and on forums.
Skills: I'm a decent texture artist that makes head textures every now and then. I'm also an upcoming event host for the TB community (created and hosted Mod Roulette and currently working with Odlov on another event.)
What you wish to gain: A place to grow in skill as a player, converse as a clan (forum/irc), and to call home for the rest of my time on TB.
Dancing Tribute Video is at the bottom of the long application in the spoiler.

Long Application
For those with lots of reading time

Who is this Ghey Pleb applying for Parrot?

My name is K0HTA, irl I go by Don (or if your Liar and Rythm you would call me Donny for some reason...). Irl I'm a college student who enjoys folkstyle wrestling, fishing, and shooting at targets with friends. I've been a member of the Toribash community since 2013 mostly playing on an account called stuffc5, I took a break for a bit then came back on the account that I now call my main, K0HTA. In-game I like to play almost any grappling mod, striking mods, and my favorite mod beg_ballgore.tbm. On the forums I usually just float around in clan boards of clan's with good friends in them, contribute in the suggestions board, and lurk in the art/textures board a few times per day looking for sets I can fall in love with. I'm a decent texture artist that puts out cartoon styled heads every now and then when I feel motivated to make one, you can view all the heads I've made by joining my fan club. I've also recently chosen to give back to the community of Toribash and become an event host and I one day hope to become a legend for events. So far I have only hosted one event by the name of Mod Roulette that was sponsored by the GM team and had a really good turn out. All my events that I will/have hosted will all be original events that haven't been done before and bring wow factors that make them special. My next event has already been planned out, I'm just waiting on Odlov to finish making the custom mods for the event and I will be submitting it for sponsorship.

Why are you applying to Parrot?

Well recently I ended up leaving my pride and joy Spectators due to both of my co-leads that I founded the clan for, leaving (Katzkune & Pouffywall). Pouffywall and myself had decided to leave due to built up stress and the clan no longer being fun for either of us to run after around two years of managing it. After looking around at all the clans in the toribash community I decided that I wanted to try applying for my first official clan that was active, had people I knew, and seemed really friendly. With those conditions on the table I set my eyes on Parrot since a lot of people I know/admire are here. I also like parrot because I know that its been around for a bit and held up active and sturdy throughout its life, which makes it seems much more appealing to someone like me who wants a permanent home and not just another clan for the tag.

What can you offer Parrot?

As for what I can offer Parrot I would say are my skills as an artist, my creativity as an event host, my promised activity within the clan's thread, and good behavior in-game. I'm not a toxic player at all and try to be polite at all times (but hey I'm human, even I act a bit silly on occasions around friends). I plan on making my name as a player well-know in the toribash community and when I do become a well-know member I hope that my "fame" will also spread the name of Parrot just as well as my own name. I'm not really a wealthy player by any means, but I'm getting to the point where I have all my basic needs as a player covered (full 512, textures set, good items) so I'm not looking for ways to use my TC to benifit the masses, I already use it for events that I host and I wouldn't mind in the future giving some to the clan to help out with clan events as well.

What do you want to gain from Parrot?

What I wish to gain from Parrot is a place I can call home and stay at for the rest of my time on Toribash. Now I know that its not likely for "a player" to stay in one clan forever, but I honestly don't like jumping from clan to clan. I like to set up roots in one place and stay there to grow closer to the people around me and hey if you're not going into something dead set on sticking with it then why are you even doing it at all? I also hope that I'll be able to grow as a player within Parrot, what I mean by that is hanging out with players that are better than myself from the clan and hopefully capturing a bit of their skill and playstyle for myself. Also of course I also want a place to converse with players (clan forum & irc) that I share a common bond with (being in the same clan).

Previous Clans? Why did you leave?

The first clan I joined was One, created and run by ThePirateKing. I joined it back in either late 2014 or early 2015, I can't really remember. I had joined it at the time because it was named after the anime One Piece and that was my favorite anime. After being in it for a while with only ThePirateKing to talk to, since the clan was dead, I ended up meeting the GM Sparky (SparkyAU at the time) and became friends. After hanging out with Sparky for a while he asked me if I would like to join Vibe and I decided that I wanted to learn what clans were really about. So I told ThePirateKing that I would be leaving and after saying goodbye I went over to Vibe. I stayed in vibe for a few months and really started the understand what I meant to be a part of the Toribash community. After a few months of being in Vibe I decided that I wanted to try running my own clan and Sparky decided to let me go and become "sister clans". The clan I created went through a few name changes, but ended up being called Spectators. I recently left it though after having a long talk with Pouffywall about why he wanted to leave the clan. After running the clan for two years a lot of stress for the both of us built up and we just didn't enjoy the clan anymore. So we left the clan and decided to search for greener grass.

Are you even good in-game?

I'd say that I'm a decent player that can pull off his fair share of epic saves every now and then. I'm not saying I can split kick people in mid air like Hentai does, but I can recover for moves like shovels, generally don't fall victim to snap-kicks, and can pull some decent saves when pushed to the edge of the ring. I'll give a few multiplayer replays for you to view and call me a scrub for submitting. I'll also include a single player reaplay since I do like to attempt to do Single Player replays sometimes.(Replays at the bottom).

Conclusion & Video Tribute

The Tribute

Well members of Parrot I thank you for taking your time to read my application and I hope that you will consider letting me join your clan and become a part of your family. Have a good day and thank you for reading all of this text.

And no, before you ask this is not a copy and paste application. I typed this application up just now specially for Parrot.
Attached Files
K0HTA - 027.rpl (63.0 KB, 3 views)
K0HTA - 018.rpl (82.2 KB, 4 views)
K0HTA - 004.rpl (35.5 KB, 3 views)
K0HTA - 017.rpl (55.0 KB, 3 views)
K0HTA vs Hentai 02.rpl (38.8 KB, 3 views)
An Uber Pleb - By K0HTA.rpl (169.1 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by Kohta; Dec 26, 2016 at 01:34 AM.
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• Crippled/Disabled girls are the best girls a guy could have. •