Original Post
Look who's back
Well guys you'd never guess who i saw ingame the other day.

Yup. Thats right. The one and only Gadago has managed to regain extensive use of his time. And computer.

I know youve all missed me terribly but i can say quite confidently that i spent my time away well.

If you have any questions about what Jolly old Gadago did for the past two months feel free to ask!
Haha. Well sorrow, such a long and detailed narrative of my ventures would be, well, long and detailed. Therefore i shall summarize it in sentence fragments.

Where have i been?:
Swamped with school soccer and racketball.
New Girlfriend. God women are high maintenance.
Quick foray into Ogame Universe 43. Fun, until i realized : O no challenge!
Learned computer hacking.
*some computer hacking
Had a great time with complex batch files.
Learned a ton of cardtricks.
Learned about 8 songs on the piano.
Crapped up my recital rehearsal.
Got a 2250 on my SAT (1590 math/reading).
Got a 35 on my ACT.
Took the SAT2s. Crapped my pants.
Aced all my finals.
Got Bs in all my classes ^^
Got my license.
Went racing for the first time.
Decided against racing in the future.
Became a senior.
Realized how anticlimactic that was.
Got out of school.
Realized it was time to get back on toribash and burn a couple hours a day like a champ.

Hows Evil Been?
Wow nice thats a bit of shit, It is doing good i am currently the leader and loach is now co leader since he is busy with school we may not be active on the forums all that much but we are still active as hell in game and we have players of all different areas of the world and in all different time zones. We have become a international clan, we have a russian, german, a guy from holland, greece
id say we are doing quite well
[Evil][OLDA][wl][pro pot]
best if u take out that youtube link from ur sig. SlipAnc would rape ur ass
Proud Member Of [Evil]
Love Lempika For Making My Avatar and Signature
[21:27] <+siku> huge penis in War's mouth
[21:27] <+siku> are you still confused?
[21:27] <+siku> penis gently sliding deeper in war's mouth
[21:27] <+siku> are you still confused
[21:27] <Xtreme> not anymore :D
We really need to start using the "if your going to be inactive" thread
so we know who is going on break and who has died irl. :/
[Evil][OLDA][wl][pro pot]
rly? any of our old clan members died?
Proud Member Of [Evil]
Love Lempika For Making My Avatar and Signature
[21:27] <+siku> huge penis in War's mouth
[21:27] <+siku> are you still confused?
[21:27] <+siku> penis gently sliding deeper in war's mouth
[21:27] <+siku> are you still confused
[21:27] <Xtreme> not anymore :D