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Recent attack on Paris (Today 1/7/15)
For those of you unaware today, a satirical magazine company was a target of a shooting. Since I'm not really good at typing long paragraphs about murder, I'll just link a couple sites that outline the reason for the shooting and the aftermath.


Please comment opinions, facts and etc, and please do not say anything autistic or otherwise detrimental to this thread or I will report you.
damn im gettin old
Seems like nothing new to be honest. These attacks have been happening on and off for a while now. One happened in Ottawa, near me, another happened in Yemen. There are just so many going around, I feel like we don't need to focus on one attack. This thread is kind of useless, and there is nothing to talk about.

I am not sure, but there may be a thread about terrorism already.
^This is about one particular attack, so I'd say it's fine.

The West has a problem. All this multiculturalism allows well-trained ragheads like those yesterday to blend in with the local hajis and perform attacks like these. I'd say screw liberals, deport every arab back to where they came from. You can't defend yourselves against these extremists any other way effectively.
Last edited by ynvaser; Jan 8, 2015 at 08:07 AM.
but these are another kinds of arab they are like isis or jihadeya but these things arab doesn't do it muslims don't kill people except for reasons like
if the that muslim were murderer they would do like go to the court and say you will be killed for the following reasons . those muslims are like coming from south Africa just because they are black but they are united with the isis or jihadeya so the isis told them to go and kill people because the isis are murderers and paris is targeted from the isis people and they are conquering the half west I think so because they are in Syria now and some of them had came to Egypt but who came to Egypt are murderers too and they are fighting the army of Egypt but the army is taking control of it so they cant come to Africa or so but this attack is made by the isis and its sure they did it and they will never stop because they want the people to kiss there feet but It wont happen as I think

edit: they don't do what muhammed said its wrong, prophet muhammed didn't tell the muslims to kill people but I don't know why they are saying this
avenging ? that's not avenging that's making them go to hell straight and no terrorist gets a car except if he were paid from somebody ahm ahm 'isis'
iam not wrong about that
Last edited by electricboy; Jan 8, 2015 at 09:50 AM. Reason: its not avenging
Yes, I know that most Arabs probably aren't like that. But we are at war with ISIS, and it really isn't the time to play nice with these people, be they affiliated with ISIS or not. If no official action is taken, sooner or later Arabs are going to hang from lampposts all over Europe.
yea you are right and the arabs around the world said this is anti Islamic thing and they sold there soul to hell and all what they say is true because they are going to be tested by god and god will see if they did something right or something wrong then they go hell straight for years and the world is gonna make like ww3 on isis because they are around the world if you don't trust me .

edit : all the presidents are doing like a plan to fight them as I think
Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
Deport every arab back to where they came from... Yes, I know that most Arabs probably aren't like that. But we are at war with ISIS, and it really isn't the time to play nice with these people, be they affiliated with ISIS or not.

Imagine a few Toribash players kill a bunch of people. Now, because you play Toribash, you're going to jail, regardless of if you're involved or not. See how fucking retarded your idea to deport every arab is?
Never said that we should imprison them. Take away their passports and send them home. That's what deport means.

If you did catch my meaning, it's not retarded. Imagine two nation-states at war with each other. You can tell who is from country A and who is from country B. Every single person from country B living in country A are going to be either deported, imprisoned, or shot, not because 'A' is full of evil assholes, but because they are at fucking war and that's not the time to play nice.

If you still say it's retarded, bring up a better alternative. Enduring and letting innocent people die isn't an option. If this happened at the part of Europe I'm from, I'd be out on the streets demanding military and police action. I'd not be alone.
Last edited by ynvaser; Jan 8, 2015 at 11:12 AM.
It doesn't matter what the punishment is, what matter is you're being punished regardless of if you're involved or not.

I can't think of a better way to increase tension, inspire more radicals and completely fuck up relations with the East, than persecuting ALL arabs.

edit: to answer your edit, we aren't at war with arabs (an ethnicity, not country). We're at war with ISIS. You proposing to deport an entire ethnicity because a very small percentage are radicals. It's plain retarded.

As for an alternate solution for peace in the Middle East, I've given one in the other threads on the topic. We need to end oil dependency and develop new energy sources. Our involvement in the East is why we're at war with ISIS and our involvment in the East is predicated on ensuring the oil keeps flowing. The US interventionist foreign policy model got us into this situation. We need to revert to a more isolationist approach.
Last edited by Ele; Jan 8, 2015 at 11:23 AM.
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
It doesn't matter what the punishment is, what matter is you're being punished regardless of if you're involved or not.

I can't think of a better way to increase tension, inspire more radicals and completely fuck up relations with the East, than persecuting ALL arabs.

So should we just clench our butt cheeks and take it?

Watch that fucking video and think again. This cries for blood.

To answer your edit:

The situation now boils down to "they are shooting at us and we are turning the other cheek". Long-term solutions like the one you mentioned are important, but there's also the question of self-defense against aggression, and also what image we are trying to project for would-be jihadists. Currently we (Europe) are the strong kid on the playground everyone dares to pick on because he doesn't dare to retaliate.
Last edited by ynvaser; Jan 8, 2015 at 11:28 AM.