Original Post
Kicking, flipping, throwing, jumping and moar!
Here's some of my recent stuff :P

armsflying - First I remove uke's arms with a backflip then grab 'em and throw them backwards

doublekickofdoom - Kick to the head with both legs at the same time rewarding me with 360k points

highjumpwithlegs3 - I dismember uke's legs and use them to jump high up in the air, I throw the legs so hard down that the other leg breaks!

stylishkick - Just watch it.

more coming
Attached Files
armsflying.rpl (86.4 KB, 42 views)
doublekickofdoom.rpl (31.4 KB, 44 views)
highjumpwithlegs3.rpl (67.7 KB, 41 views)
stylishkick.rpl (46.5 KB, 43 views)
HIYAAAAAAaaa FACEKICK IN YOUR FACE....... Nah i'm just kidding
Re: Kicking, flipping, throwing, jumping and moar!
celebratonflips - I kick uke in half and then do some backflips

lollerbicyclekick - A sloppy bicyclekick but it does break uke in half

fleximan - For some reason I didn't go in half while attempting to bend my legs behind my head...

funnyjudo - A nice judo fight with Foxie
Attached Files
celebratonflips.rpl (47.1 KB, 36 views)
lollerbicyclekick.rpl (18.3 KB, 35 views)
fleximan.rpl (49.9 KB, 31 views)
funnyjudo.rpl (49.3 KB, 40 views)
HIYAAAAAAaaa FACEKICK IN YOUR FACE....... Nah i'm just kidding
Re: Kicking, flipping, throwing, jumping and moar!

Looks like xmas came early.

watch and learn!