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[Solved] Booster bug problem
i have been playing and out of no where i cant like pretend 405 win till black belt i keep winning and it still stay at 405? and my tc it wont give me 200tc is it a bug or limited match?
Originally Posted by Shazao View Post
I think you can only get 50 qi per day.

you can win 100 matches a day (then it will stop giving TC)
but you can get as much qi as you want i believe.

as for the booster, i suggest send a email to support.

According to your ingame earnings, you've been winning matches and playing matches near 100 (it didn't update fully yet), so that may be the reason why you haven't been getting your TC or qi.

Please see this thread regarding daily TC earnings.

You should be back to earning qi and TC the next day.