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[IMG]Texture Wars by Cinder
Who has the better texture set. Honeebuket and I have a dispute going on.

Rate please

I vote they're both sweetish. But sorry Momo, Buket's are a little cooler. Prolly cause I like the dark and gloomy feel of them. I LOVE NIMKASI'S TEXTURES. -Jealous jealous-
Go to Foolio's Store: Foolish Pics


Apples and oranges really... 2 very different styles, but both good quality.

I'd lean towards cinder just because the set is so developed... it's been an evolution of texturing to become what it is now, and I like that.
I'm not a fan of Honee's textures. His set uses the simulated 3D effects badly, making it look flat.

Momo's however. Pure sex.

<Phail> Everyone knows GMs can combust your videocard temporarily
<decimat0r1> let those bitches try
momo's for sure....
honey is not visible clearly...looks kind of cluttered or very simple & it's too k for my choice
KONY 2012
Cinders, due to the fact that they are waaay 2 different styles and Deathsoldi's isnt really one of mine, while I lean more to cinder/mantrains
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