Original Post
[Solved] Got scammed
I just got scammed i didnt know how to make a global and ask a man :her for a global to help me i send him money and he didnt want to make a global or sending my money back!!! help
[15:27] <PwP> hello
[15:28] <her> hi
[15:28] <PwP> man
[15:28] <her> jo
[15:28] <PwP> can you help me with global ? i will send you 5 k and you write
[15:28] <PwP> please
[15:28] <PwP> can?
[15:29] <her> ok send to toast i owe him
[15:29] <PwP> no
[15:29] <PwP> i will send to you
[15:29] <PwP> and you will send him
[15:29] <PwP> ok?
[15:29] <her> ok
[15:29] <PwP> i printscreen this and if you lies me will be bad
[15:29] <PwP> ok write
[15:31] <her> ok
[15:31] <her> global message
[15:32] <her> send
[15:33] <PwP> /jo Pbets for Some money and some Flowers like prizez!!!
[15:34] <PwP> made?
[15:34] <her> yeaj
[15:35] <PwP> dont seeD
[15:35] <her> it would be stupid to post first dumb? xD
[15:36] <PwP> WAIT
[15:36] <PwP> add + decap Prize
[15:36] <PwP> noo
[15:36] <PwP> dont add
[15:36] <PwP> write this
[15:36] <her> ok lol
[15:37] <PwP> to send to her?
[15:37] <her> yes
[15:37] <PwP> sent
[15:37] <PwP> already sent go global
[15:37] <her> so nothing to add ?
[15:38] <her> or what
[15:38] <PwP> goo glboal i sent
[15:38] <PwP> nothing
[15:38] <PwP> /jo Pbets for Some money and some Flowers like prizez!!!
[15:38] <her> ok
[15:40] <PwP> where is global?
[15:40] <her> already done like babtista
[15:41] <PwP> dont see
[15:42] <PwP> make global man
[15:43] <PwP> ok i report
[15:43] <PwP> ;|
[15:43] <her> xD
[15:44] <PwP> mde
[15:44] <PwP> send me my 5 k back
[15:44] <PwP> please
[15:45] <her> well toast hast gotten them already
[15:45] <her> he'll send back in 1 min#
[15:46] <her> but he'll take a fine from you
[15:48] <PwP> ?
[15:48] <PwP> send me them pleas
[15:48] <PwP> e
[15:48] <her> i don't have tc toast has themz
[15:49] <her> told you i have to pay toast
[15:49] <PwP> ;x
[15:49] <PwP> say him to return me my 5k please
[15:49] <her> toast is admin
[15:49] <PwP> and?
[15:50] <her> hes somewhat greedy sometime xD
[15:50] <her> im vip but i dont know how to send global
[15:51] <PwP> wait
[15:51] <PwP>
[15:51] <PwP> there
[15:51] <PwP> type
[15:52] <PwP> /jo Pbets for Some money and some Flowers like prizez!!!
[15:52] <her> i'm vip in irc
[15:53] <PwP> ?
[15:53] <PwP> you sayd one time
[15:53] <PwP> xD
[15:53] <her> have you seen toast lately?
[15:53] <her> he seems to be botherd
[15:53] <PwP> never
[15:54] <PwP> man just send me back 5 kD
[15:54] <her> pm him
[15:54] <PwP> its so hard?
[15:54] <PwP> or just make a global
[15:55] <PwP> maan you *
[15:55] <PwP> just send me my 5 kp lease
[15:59] <her> do i need to make a toribash account to send them back?
[15:59] <PwP> what is this her?
[15:59] <PwP> is this not a toribash accaunt?
[15:59] <her> which?
[16:00] <PwP> Her
[16:00] <her> who wtf
[16:03] <PwP> you
[16:03] <PwP> maaaaan
[16:03] <PwP> you :x
[16:03] <PwP> your name here
[16:03] <PwP> is Her
[16:03] <her> yes
[16:04] <PwP> please return me my money
[16:04] <her> i am her
[16:04] <PwP> you f
[16:04] <PwP> and?
[16:04] <PwP> what you want
[16:04] <her> me or her?
[16:04] <PwP> you
[16:05] <PwP> <PwP> what you want [16:04] <her> me or her? [16:04] <PwP> you
[16:05] <PwP> your name is her
[16:05] <PwP> <her>
[16:05] <PwP> .
..How come people can't even read nowdays?

There is whole board dedicated to Reporting Scams and still people fail to use it.

Scam Reports
Been scammed? Seen suspicious links? This is the place to report them!

Go there, read the guide lines and write your report. It'll be taken care off.
< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.
Thread cleaned.

Do what Dargon said and file a report on the said user.

Be sure to read the stickies before doing so.

P.S. You're going to need some picture evidence of some sort to validate your claim.