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“The lowest, blackest, and farthest from Heaven. Well do I know the way.” — Virgil

Welcome to the end. The final level of hell, Treachery, Lake Cocytus. The Devil himself trapped in his icy prison, but that won't stop him from fighting back! He's summoned another body to fight. Descend and end the battle, pick up the sword and slash his bodily form across the head to win! Be careful of his attacks, one hit from the sword and this cavern will be your resting place.

DOWNLOAD THE 9th Mod, or Download the full pack below! It's been a blast making these mods. I've put blood, sweat and lots of tears in all 1152 Objects across these 9 mods. I tried my best to give you unique experiences in each one.

I've learned so much through it all. I have bigger and more ambitious ideas over the horizon.

If you find any problems that make the mod(s) unplayable, please feel free to PM, comment below or Find me on discord! I'll get a fix to you right away!

Attached Files
senshi_pk_treachery.tbm (32.5 KB, 29 views) (34.9 KB, 50 views)
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
Among the best environments i have ever seen in tb, nice use of non-statics and plenty of obstacles. Pretty efficient use of objs, especially non-statics. Only very small issue imo is the difficulty on some of the obstacles but i'm sure there are players who enjoy a challenge.

Keep it up Mata, one of the best mod packs i have ever seen!
Not Super Moderator Discord: Aliosa#5260 ; If you have any questions don't PM me
Totally cannot wait to see a montage of all the great content sure to come of this
"Do you explore the unknown or are you afraid of losing your throne?" I am Soon.
I believe i never posted on the modboard before but i have to say : matarika, these mods(and all the other mods from you too ,from what i can see) are effing amazing.

Already told you on discord but will say it here again: if you ever want to do an event with those mods hmu.
Pretty uniques maps style there, good job matarika.

I'll run them all as a LegGang member, may my arms rest in peace (and my mind).
Why would humans have arms when they do have legs?
хорошая работа, по больше бы таких мода-делав
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