Original Post
Head and Hands Request
I have a 128x128 head and regular hand textures.
I'm looking for an angry emo style head with large white eyes (no pupils!).
Try to incorporte my tori colors in it as well: titan and camo.

As for hand textures, just make a generic gloved fist. Camo gloves, flesh color fingers.

I can pay up to 6k for this.
Last edited by SilentAssassin; Jul 18, 2010 at 02:25 AM.
Do NOT request a texture replicating or even BASED ON someone else's existing texture. It doesn’t matter if they're not wearing it or if it's in their store, if you want the texture, you'll have to buy it from them. Trying to get a texture made that is similar to or the same as an existing texture really, really pisses people off. So DON'T. This includes asking for “A texture set in the style of [Another User]”. Do your best to describe what you want without relating it to someone else’s work.

dude....if i were u i would change this thread.