Original Post
Free play glitch..
Okay so i was playing freeplay mode and i clicked assassins creed mod. I played it a few times and decided to play another mod. Only when i went to the other mod my character was standing in mid air and uke was at the bottom.. i went to like 6 other mods and it was the same thing. I even tried reinstalling the game and nothin worked.. HELP!!
Last edited by uQQiPewPew; Dec 19, 2009 at 09:08 PM.
that happens to me all the time. try ctrl and g. and at player corp or something, put a 0 instead of whats there. hope it helps.
I can ride my bike with no handlebars.
Originally Posted by olik7891 View Post
just close the game one time and open it again tahts all
ofc you need the option "remember game rules" on

you mean remember game rules off? because, if you have it on, it will be the same as when you left when you restart. but if you have it off, everything is back to normal when you restart the game
Swedish Viking
Originally Posted by elow View Post
that happens to me all the time. try ctrl and g. and at player corp or something, put a 0 instead of whats there. hope it helps.

I dont see any player corp thing..
Originally Posted by uQQiPewPew View Post
I dont see any player corp thing..

I bet he meant engage playerpos.
...That would be logical.

Yeah. Put 0 next to the engage playerpos.
Not 0,0,0,0,0,0 , not 0,1,0,1,0,1 , just 0.
That'll disable the whole engage playerpos thing.