Original Post
[B] A full texture set!
I have 20k to spend and im looking for a full body skin. If you have a skin to sell post a pic of it down below and if i like it i shall buy it. I know 20k might not sound much im trying to get more :3. If you take requests somthing like a shadowy or horror character. But i dont mind a cool robot skin is good with me too. Size must be the standard one (no HD but the cheap textures). If I get more tc i shall post the ammount.
Last edited by 4FCG; Jun 18, 2014 at 07:09 PM.
<FireDesire> Now rub your cheeks against my leg and meow.
<remzyh>*rubs cheecks on legs and meows*
Nice that looks good, but its not rlly the style im looking for. I shall wait a bit longer and see if others post k. If not i will consider buying it.
<FireDesire> Now rub your cheeks against my leg and meow.
<remzyh>*rubs cheecks on legs and meows*