Original Post
I Suck In a Whole Different Level Now
After making 50 crap replays finally came up with this thing.
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#C-M- Wootwoot.rpl (126.0 KB, 97 views)
Destructive Replay although the last kick looked pretty weak but hey It went well

The First punch was very powerful

The Second kick to the decap was wonderful

The pose is alright.

Nice replay. I enjoyed watching it
Well, that was good.
That was a simple but great combination, the last punch was really powerful, but maybe you should relax your knee, your knee looked a bit stiff when you punched the head.
Great pose.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
Fast and powerful, I like it. The pose could do a lot of work though, I got a perfectly balanced pose at the part where you were supposed to stand up. But i'm pretty sure you could do a lot more dms to uke after the kick.
That was great Cham, nothing much to say about it.
Really fast and destructive, even i don't really like the wrist dm's.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."