Really nice replay, the manip was just sexy, and the boomhit was pretty mediocre but still fine. It took a long time for you to skeet, mind me editing the replay after the boom?
Split was okay.
The pec DM was cool a bit, you could DM the ABS and you could decap uke in your kick.
Skeet was cool, just because you decapped that shit.
Pose was bad.

Mind if I edit after the split?
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Well, opener was nice.
You were stiff in the air, your knee.
The first hit was good, after that kick you looked a bit stiff.
The next hit was great, looked pretty stylish an destructive.
The skeet was Pretty amazing, Looked very fast and powerful, nice aim that you got there, gj on it.

Overall, great replay.
Just don't be stiff and you'll be really great.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
There was a lot of leg ghosting in this. But on the other hand, it's pretty awesome.

Nice twists, I think I saw a corkscrew in there. Same problem with tricking as always though man.

Let's put it simple as this: First, you want to make a gainer to create momentum and THEN pull off a trick or massive trick. Then end the replay there, unless you want to add an extra trick or two. It's not about flipping around pulling off tricks. It's about how well you execute them and in what order you do the tricks.

Anyway, nice replay mang. You still got it. 8/10.
the goblin