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Kams Replay thread
So, yeah, this's my first replay thread. I'll try to upload new replays every few days, most likely once a week.

Cnc would be awesome, always ready to see what people think of my replays.

So, to start it off, here's two of my better replays.
Attached Files
#Kam - 7 Whispers.rpl (231.0 KB, 12 views)
#Kam - Satyricon.rpl (100.0 KB, 10 views)
The split and the decap looked stylish and pretty cool, even the decap was a bit weak.
The last hit was meh, your aim was terrible, but still pretty good.
Pose should be done better and also ghosted your arm looked ugly.
Nice replay overall.
7 whispers:
The opener looked great and the split looked really powerful, could make it more clean.
The next hit was pretty good, looked pretty powerful, but you should aim it better and get a boom with it.
The spin that you did after that kick was pretty cool, but the flow between the second hit to the last hit was really bad and had no flow.
The last hit byitself was pretty good.
Overall, nice replay.

Good Job kammy, Cnc my replay maybe?
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
Hi Kam. <3

1. Everything was stylish. And the last hit was kinda cool... Nice replay.

2. Cool shit, your hits were really stylish and pretty good, but the last hit wasn't kinda really powerful, but still looked good.

GJ bro, wish you better shit in the future. <3

*Maybe CnC me?
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Hey pat <3

Thanks for the feed back, I'll try and get a new replay up by Saturday.
I'll pop by your replay threads and have myself a look.

For now, here's a replay I made a couple of weeks ago
Attached Files
#Kam - Summer Shudder.rpl (92.9 KB, 13 views)
The hits look a bit weak, but they're pretty clean, stylish and the movement is consistent. Maybe a bit too simple for my taste but it doesn't matter.
oh yeah
Split was kinda weak, but the decap was better.
Pose looked good.

From when you've started replay making?
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That was pretty cool.
The openbe rwas nice, kinda liked it.
The split looked nice, looked a bit weak but it looked stylisha bit.
decap looked clean and nice, even it looked abit weak again.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
Here's another replay.
I may edit in a boom after the weekend, I may be going to a friends' place.

Anywho, here's the replay.
Attached Files
#Kam - Seen the World.rpl (69.1 KB, 12 views)
There's really nothing to say on this one, probably because it's one of the safest replays ever made, it's like impossible to make mistakes with those.