Original Post
Fall of Pangea
I made this on live stream over the course of four hours. VODs of me making it are available on my page.

relevant thread: ~Erth
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#Numbers - Fall of Pangea.rpl (262.1 KB, 49 views)
Last edited by Erth; Jan 6, 2013 at 02:48 AM.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
[02:05] <Shook> hot damn
[02:05] <Shook> You should've called it Aerial Shitblast because goddamn you blew him to shit before either of you touched the ground

As mentioned in the IRC. :U
But yeah, very impressive manip right there! Launching Uke that far up without it looking awkward is hard as fuck, but you proceeded, with great elegance, to lay an airborne smackdown upon his airborne ass.

The only slightly off thing i find worth mentioning is that the last kick seems slightly out of sync with the rest of the attacks, since it comes at a different pace, if that even makes sense. Or perhaps that's just me being weird about multiple kicks in a succession. Nevertheless, even though it gives off a slight "tacked on at the last minute" vibe, it is indeed a lovely kick to finish off Uke's beautifully sculpted ass.

tl;dr radical
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Great job on launching uke into middair flawlessly, it looked clean and fast.
What bothers me though was when your leg hit uke's fist at frame 417, but it's not much of a big deal I believe.
The transition from that to the combo of kicks was also nice, you were able to jump up and face uke at the same time without taking much time and still your body didn't get into an awkward position.
The clusterfuck of DM's you did there were fast. I had to slow down the replay to see what kind of terror you unleashed upon uke.
I agree with shook though, that the last kick didn't seem to be in flow with the other hits.
Great replay.
yeah ok
Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post
I like it, but disappointing that that first kick didn't boom his torso, it barely hit his arm

Dismemberments don't matter.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
Very solid hits, the first kick is my favourite because you didn't aim for one specific part of Uke and just destroyed him from his leg to his arms.
The second kick was very solid, but the way it stopped looked a tad strange, maybe because of your had that was in the way.
The last kick is a bit slower but still a very nice one, I liked the knee dm and the hit was like a knife through butter. That living lumbar area makes me feel unsatisfied, but that's just me and my destructive nature. Nice job.