Original Post
Replay thread
First replay in a while, and it's a tricking
cnc c:

ps just say if you request for cnc c:
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+Lol - Chicken.rpl (222.5 KB, 22 views)
Last edited by Lololerz; Jan 8, 2013 at 01:52 PM.
First aerial was fine, I liked the way you landed.
The second backflip was nothing special tho, looked like it has been done in a really limited time.
You can easily continue the replay since you have a good momentum.
Landing of the backflip coul've been easily improved.

Also a CnC would be good
The opener was good. I enjoy tricking replays with running openers.
First flip was good until you landed, it's no problem when watching it in a continuous flow but when you look extra close the hand touches. Wich isn't a correct landing to me.
Second flip was much better, clean and stylish. Then you decided to completely fuck up the landing instead of just landing on your feet.
Is this a WiP? If not, fix the pose.
Overall good replay, gj.
I have no idea what the hell happened to the pose O.o
I'm sure that I saved the replay with a pose. I'll try to fix it later maybe
I wish I could trick. :/

Running was nice and clean, and I enjoyed the tricks.

Only downfall was the landing on the last flip. :P Good job.

~Requesting CnC
Hi Lolly.

Well, Cool run.
The flips were really cool, but the first one was better.
Your spin looked really smooth and relax, loved that kind of movement.
The landing for the second flip wasn not that good and pose was FUCKING AWESOME, Damn that pose ;p
Lol jk, i know if the pose wasn't ready yet.

Rquesting cnc :o
Last edited by 17april; Jan 12, 2013 at 10:20 AM.
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