Original Post
[S] UkeAssassin's Avatars, Banners, and Ads!
Hay doods. I'm taking requests for simple clan emblems/banners, and avvys too, if you like the style.

I'll also do personal advertisements!


Here's what I'll need to know before making it; all of these are optional:

-Background shape(s)
-Primary image(s) (e.g. scythe and wolf in examples)
-Colors/gradients/fades for each part
-Desired shadow/lighting
-Desired filters/effects, if any
-Specific toris/clan logos, if needed
-Anything else you consider worth adding!

The most I will ever ask for these is 1k, prices will generally go for offers between 250-750 TC.

I will post WIPs throughout the creation of the image, so keep in touch and tell me what you want to change!

List of peeps:

List and Due Dates

Last edited by UkeAssassin; Oct 23, 2015 at 07:25 PM.
Hey! I really like your art, can you make me an avatar?
Background shape(s):what look good to you!
-Primary image(s) (e.g. scythe and wolf in examples):drum
-Colors/gradients/fades for each part: the drum is black
-Desired shadow/lighting: copper lighting
-Desired filters/effects, if any: do what look good to you!
I want it in tribal style please!
Last edited by Vinyl; Oct 22, 2015 at 08:37 PM.
Hey man im looking for an avatar im looking for a theme of darkness never stops growing and i am happy with what ever you do a easy with what ever you make im looking to pay 1k but i can pay more.
also the the optional stuff you choose what you think looks best
and main colors is red and black
I'm about to sound like an idiot.

Two days ago, my chromebook screen cracked. I sent it in for repairs, and it came back today.

Turns out that that wipes off all of my files downloaded locally, including the images I was working on.

I have to restart the images for everyone, sadly. They should be done 3-4 days from now, as today and tomorrow I am rather busy; I had planned to get all of them done by today.

Sorry for the inconvenience. All of the emblems will be discounted to 100 or less tc.