Original Post
(Mod) Mod

.You have to be nice and respectfull to ALL clan members.
.You must be ready for a WAR.
.Don't leave without a reason. ( If kicked LEADERS will give reason )
.Have lots of fun.
.Try your best to support this clan

KABOOM! 2 Ninjas meet and decide to fight there way through Belts. Winning and winning even Defeat . As they faught and still fight for success . The two victims made there team . And they called it Mod . The evilness and the sinister scream ran through the realm. This is where it begins

10 members []
20 members []
30 members []
Win a clan war []
Win 10 Clan Wars []
Win 20 Clan Wars []
Win 30 Clan Wars []
get 10k in the bank [X]
get 25k in the bank[X]
get 50k in the bank[]
get 100k in the bank[]
clan rank 100 []
clan rank 80 []
clan rank 50 []
clan rank 20 []
clan rank 1 []
apply for official[]
become official[]
Last edited by F4R3; Aug 4, 2014 at 12:00 AM.
What the..
clans is getting more and more..
well good luck on this one
I first
make sure you know who to recruit
there are a lot of tag only people
INB4 14 days ban
Lol , hi to the new clan , yeah keep sure with what did scorpionma said , and keep sure to get good members , and be active in forum :3
Nice replays kurt,
Ninja ypur clan wont work itself
you gotta recruit people!
post here , create banners
Kurt ihas done his first post
keep it active
dont make this clan die in a week
INB4 14 days ban
Ninja Starbucks and Gold elite are two clan hoppers and if you go on electric forum you can see why starbucks should not be let in. Just trying to help you out here.
no ur a clan hopper
no im not i havent clan hopped once and noviix hates me he is just trying to get me kicked out of every clan i have been and i always get kicked out because of him and the things on the forums is a lie that edited it to make like i did it when twilight really did that so please dont kick me out for noviix lieing to u and gold isnt either hes try to get him kicked out to noviix is a dick to every one so don't kick us out