Original Post
  • How can I become the best in this game?
  • What do the top 10 players know that I don't know.
  • Where can I absorb advanced information about the competitive side of this game?
  • What type of training should I do to become the best?
  • Who are the top 10 players/most known players in the competitive Toribash community?
  • Many of us still play this game and win/lose without knowing what we are doing (mashing). How can we change this?

Please answer some of these questions. It's been around for so long, I still haven't learned anything but the terms.
Last edited by BattleZone; Jul 6, 2012 at 02:04 AM.
Game Reviewer | Fighting Game Commentator | News Reporter for eSports and the Fighting Game Community
I would suggest applying to UniBash schools, personally I teach the AikidoBigDojo school and can teach you what you need to know about mod and things that will help with other mods.

The most advanced players of this game undersand how the joints effect eachother, for a small example wrists effect the position of the elbows and so on.
The best training for this is experience and paying attention to what buttons you "mash". Another good place to train is UniBash. As far as the top 10/most known players of the competitive community, I can name a few but not all of them.

Alex5050- Rank one aikidobigdojo
and Imapirate are who I can name off the top of my head.
How can I become the best in this game?

Practice. Practice, practice, practice is the only thing i can offer you. There are always classes to offer you tips, but practice is the MAIN thing.

What do the top 10 players know that I don't know.

This question is completely subjective and varies almost entirely with mod. There are a few universally top players who are regarded to be the best, such as Leyz and Ticux maybe.

Where can I absorb advanced information about the competitive side of this game?

I'm not quite sure what you mean by this question. If you mean competitions and events then there are frequent gmtourneys ingame with varying mods. As for forum events, just participate in as many as you can, or rather any that interest you, then eventually you'll just get better and better as you do more.

What type of training should I do to become the best?

Depends what you want to be good at. If you want to be good at taekkyon, play taekkyon.
Imo, that will give you good joint understanding in combination with aikido.

Who are the top 10 players/most known players in the competitive Toribash community?

Again, opinionated.

Many of us still play this game and win/lose without knowing what we are doing (mashing). How can we change this?

Inherantly, there's not much that WE can do.
Uniteam server sit, and help in any way they can, regardless of ingame skill.
A lot of it will be simply practice for them, too.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Practice Practice Practice in different modes is all i can say.Top 10 players are opinions.
Are you living the life you really want?
If a question is already answered, only post if you are covering something that is left unsaid or unexplained by previous posts. Repeating same thing is not helpful at all. Thanks!