Original Post
Getting "Not Connected" Error Persistently?
Whenever I try to join any multiplayer game, it loads, forwards me to the IP, connects me to the IP, and then I see two Tori, standing across from eachother, in the game's arena, no players, and grey text over the screen that says "Not Connected". Anyone know of anyways to fix this?
I'm running Windows 7, Toribash 3.99, with hardware that flies over the system requirements.
I'm not the only one getting this error, the friends I play with online are as well.
it could be
a)You're getting kicked from private servers.
b)Your belt might be too high/low for the server (that's if you're going into Beginner, Intermediate, Pro, Extreme servers...)
That's all I know for now...
<Icky> Butler is the worst es
<Reta> can I fire him yet ?
I'm trying to join Beginner Judo, and since I'm a Blue Belt I should still be able to connect, right? I can't connect to anything, Intermediate, Semi-Pro or any of that.
i think its the 3.99 version i couldnt even see toris on my pc with that version. just download the 3.98
"You have every right to be offended, just don't cry when no one cares."
The Windows 7 version of multiplayer is having some issues, so you're just going to have to wait it out for now (until it's fixed).

Sorry for the inconvenience.
I can't join AT ALL, as in any server. Please help! I unblocked the firewall and I am just trying to join a public server
Please don't bump a thread from 2014 like this.
It would be better if you made your own thread as this one isn't designed for your problem.

Closing this, please make a new thread with information about your issue.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!