Original Post
Resetting's Brand New Texture Shop as of September 2009.

Scroll down for spinny pictures of stuff you can buy.
Keep in mind however, that because they're animated, they have to be in .gif format, and so colours get reduced to 8 bit. Some of these (e.g. 40, 43) look better in their .tga format.

Sales so far: 1 Be my second?

Want to buy something? Drop me a PM or leave a message here.
Want to request something? Drop me a PM or leave a message here.
Want me to recolour something? Drop me a PM or leave a message here.
Want a set to match something? Drop me a PM or leave a message here.
Want something edited? Drop me a PM or leave a message here.
You probably get the idea by now.

This includes anything you'd really like changed in any of the textures in this shop. Recolours etc.

Will be updated frequently.

I tend to work in 128x128 so no quality should vanish after you've purchased and uploaded. (:

All prices are in Toricredits.

This initial stuff is simplistic.

Assume everything you see is in the format ItemNumber, Item, Price.


0 FullyTransparent 500

1 1000 2500 3500 4500

5250 6500 7125 8500

9500 10500 11500 12250

13250 14250 15500 (hidden serious face. =D)

17500 18250


16500 (Pokéball design © Nintendo last time I checked)

201500 (its fucking cute) 22500 23750

24500 25125 26250 27250

28500 (This had to be made into a head. )

29250 30250 32500 (static. [: )

33500 (static without colours [: ) 34500 (famous fractal)

35750 361000

37 500 38500 391000

401000 41500 421000
1000 442000 (for all 3)

171250 (You'll get all 4)

191000 (You'll get all 5)

Data line/"Tron" set. Back when I wore this I very frequently received compliments on it. Every limb segment is individual, as in they're all different from one another. (thigh has a different pattern than shin etc).
A lot of people that have complimented it have used the word "Tron" to describe it.
More pictures on the other end of this link
There's no fixed price on this set, and its a slightly sentimental piece, so if you'd like it, something original, 15k.

Cutting to the chase, I want 5k for this, any takers?
Last edited by Resetting; Oct 5, 2009 at 06:23 PM.
Justified waited-a-week bump?
I'm not overly clear on what the bump rules are around here.
Someone want to explain them to me?
hey resetting how did u make that lightning on head number 35...that go's out not the green stuff,but the blue lightning that go's out from the green me how to do it if u did infact make that lightning.Ill pay u some tc if u tell me.
Shop updated, more to come tomorrow, including a whole new set.

This Halo 3 ODST is beginning to consume me.

Edit: Looking forward to your possible purchase Carstien. (: