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So, I haven't done any editing in quite a while. But enjoy :3 and CnC Is always nice c:

Made in After Effects Cs6 and recorded with Fraps
I'm not sure what's happening anymore
never use that intro again
this music is what gets played at an under 13's rave
sync looked off
pan/crop was stiff
the trapcode shine or blur or whatever shouldn't have been there or should've lasted longer
Yea never use that intro unless you know what you're doing with it.
The blur wasn't good because it was too short and too intense.

spinning cines are being over-used and not even over-used well wow thanks

There was one good transition
I think the sync on the last two replays were pretty good though

If you want to use the spinning cines make sure you sync that too
I do some videos
Feel free to PM me for any video-related questions