Original Post
[Tex] Awesome Hunter texture
i made this set for one of my clan members, but he doesn't want it.

can i please have some feedback and maybe what price it would sell for?

i can change the text on the body to whatever.

pictures of the set

Clan League 2013 & 2019 Champion
Praise BONDarenko
Nice one, just don't add nothing let it remain how it's now,
9/10 but it's like made for someone, there is that feeling while you're looking on it
Originally Posted by Bird View Post
Nice one, just don't add nothing let it remain how it's now,
9/10 but it's like made for someone, there is that feeling while you're looking on it

the person i offered it to didn't want it, so im planning on just selling this on the art textures thread

with the words on the legs replaced with what the buyer wants
Clan League 2013 & 2019 Champion
Praise BONDarenko
I like it but you need to either develop white into the head it looks a little out of place with the grey as the rest of your set doesnt even have any grey other than that its great 7.5/10
Don't you think that the colors look a bit... awful?
I mean, there sure are really underrated color combinations out there, but are you sure that this dark green and hot pink look good together? Not to mention the gray-ishness on the head, which makes everything even worse...
I mean, seriously, keep to a certain color scheme and use as less colors as possible. Then add some shading... If it's the style you want to keep it in. But be more consistent.
So, about the head... besides all of the aforementioned things you should improve on, the head is pretty generic. There's no much creativity put in it, nor do the colors match the set in general. For example, why did you make the "skin" color gray? It would fit much better if you'd let it be white. And that dark gray part on the back... Why? ._.
As much as I understand, you've put it there just for the sake of detail without really thinking it through.
Also, the eyes should be emphasised more. Their pinkyness is not enough. And they don't look all that agressive and/or dynamic(I'll cover that pretty soon).
Now, let's start examining the rest of the set, shall we?
To be honest, I must admit that you've done a decent job drawing the upper body. The biceps and triceps look quite good (well.. besides the colors). And the torso is quite decent aswell... Even though it's the same texture pasted over again.
But, unfortunately, as we go lower, so does the quality. The legs are really "static " they don't go with the arms really well. Oh, and the set doesn't feel all that dynamic in general. The lines are too solid, not "edgy" enough. Especially on the legs (which on most occasions are the ones that hit the opponent, hence more attention is drawn to them... which means that you have to put extra effort in making them look good enough and somewhat fearsome).
Also, the texts don't look good at all. They're just plain... text... nothing more... big penis, lol
So, yeah... There's still quite a lot of job to do. And to be completely honest, I wouldn't buy that... Hell, I wouldn't even take it for free ._.
Either way, I'd say that 2k-5k tc would be enough for such a set.


Needs more shading and detail.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Originally Posted by Arturix3 View Post

Needs more shading and detail.

I was trying to make it simple, i know that hunter and hot pink is horrible, but it was what the person i made it for had it is easy enough to recolour though. i made the head to white now too, it looks better.
Clan League 2013 & 2019 Champion
Praise BONDarenko
Imo the set isn't as bad as Arturix3's describes it (the colors), maybe he just hates pink, who knows.

The only major problem would be the head, mostly the back. That pink doesn't go with that gray, it.. vibrates too much. Probably you fixed that already tho.
Lol Arturix you really need to compact your C&C. Your post probably makes the most points in this thread but it gets lost in the wall o' text.

On topic, he's got a point. Arms look good, but legs and thighs look like the same texture flipped. The sides are a little too plain.

The head doesn't really work with the rest of the set. Grey appears nowhere else in your color scheme, and I'm tolerant of the pink+green (though pink+black would be way nicer).
The eyes, side and back of the head need more work.
Last edited by joonveen; Nov 15, 2012 at 06:02 PM.