Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Daily Login Reward and country flag possible glitch.
Hey there, I updated my game to V5.2 some days ago and since then the daily login seemed to work fine.
Out of habit from other games I started my login sequence with a capital 'Y' instead of 'y' in my name. I was simply not thinking about what my actual name was, but the ToriCredits and belt were all ok, so I figured it didn't matter.
This accidental namechange may have caused 2 glitches:
1. My country flag ingame keeps resetting to tori's flag and I must login on forum to fix it.
2. The daily login sequence breaks either because I accidentally used the old version's desktop shortcut to start the (old) game, OR the daily login sequence might break due to the capital Y versus lower cap y in my name.
My first question is if my login sequence can be set back to the level it was, which is Day 3 at the moment.
My second question is if I should stay on 'Yezpahr' or 'yezpahr'.
And 3rd unrelated question: how do I make my post look normal instead of 1 block of text?
Last edited by Yezpahr; Feb 10, 2018 at 12:10 AM.
1) Your sequence can't be set back to where it was.
2) It doesn't matter which letters you capitalise, it's up to your preference.
3) You use enter which breaks the line, and you use other bb code formatting tools above message box to format your text.

First of all there is no record of you receiving any login rewards asides from yesterday and today, which are in correct sequence, so you'll have to elaborate.

If it did reset, it is most likely due to you using different client every time. If you keep accidentally using an old client then it's better to just uninstall it. Also you can only claim login reward on one account, so if you claim it on any other alternative account your sequence will reset as well.

If there's still any questions, please let us know.
Last edited by Smaguris; Feb 9, 2018 at 05:02 PM.
1. Yesterday and today worked, but regardless of that, it still bugged today, the rewardsystem keeps showing me day 1, which indeed cannot be re-claimed. But will it allow me to get day 3 tomorrow?
2. My country flag keeps resetting, despite having stopped using the old version.
3. Using enter didn't work, I tried it as the most obvious first-choice.
Last edited by Yezpahr; Feb 10, 2018 at 12:09 AM.
First but irrelevant to your problem is, you can change accounts and receive the reward, it doesn't break the streak.

Now, to answer your questions:

1. You'll have to find out tomorrow, there are some glitches with that but isn't something to worry until you get no reward/break the streak.

3. Enter should work, there's nothing else to it, you can try Alt+010 (numpad) to make a line break, but again, Enter should work.
(Used html's br-tag to manually fix the spacing issues on my posts, alt+010 also didn't fix it.)

1. Today (the new tomorrow), I still received day 1's reward as a third reward, so it's confirmed now? it has reset? I didn't get a screenshot, but it is past midnight and I did successfully *claim* the reward for day 1 once again.
2. The country flag isn't coming back in-game regardless of capitalization of my name, nor can I see the Country Code tabel in My Profile on this forum, it used to show NL on my profile (here on the forum).

By the way, you didn't specify whether that "new" account is actually happening.... I specifically said I only changed y to Y and I asked specifically if that was a problem. Is it a problem? Is it the "new" account you mentioned?

Oh and thanks for all the time and effort spent so far on my issue, I really appreciate the help.
Just to confirm, it's nothing but a visual bug since you have received 200 today


Also "2) It doesn't matter which letters you capitalise, it's up to your preference."
Yep, I came back to post that possibility and I see you confirmed it, thanks. After a relog it showed me 24,356 instead of 24,156.
Then just that county-flag issue is still there. Might that have been caused by me accidentally using the old client once or twice and can it be solved by my own actions or must this be solved from your end?

Thanks in advance and I'll check back soon.
Alright, this can be considered solved then. Thanks for the time spent on this issue, and if the country flag remains glitched I'll make a new topic.