Original Post
Cobra's Head Shop!
Hello and welcome to my Head Shop!
I sell you Headtextures that i made or make for cheap prizes!

These Heads are for selling!
You can buy them im gonna make more!
Or you tell me any head you want
Like the colour or any other thing.
I can make you southpark heads too if you want their easy and they are cheap.

Thanks for reading and hope you gonna like something!


Last edited by Cobra; Mar 8, 2010 at 09:22 AM.
The heads are pretty bad, and they're very blurry, on a side note, Why can't people learn that this isn't the place to sell heads godamnit.

Moved to the market. Good luck with your shop.
Need help with anything? Have a question? PM me! I'll try my best to help you.
This isnt the right place? Where is it then?

Aah thanks

The heads are pretty bad, and they're very blurry, on a side note, Why can't people learn that this isn't the place to sell heads godamnit.

Please leave comments like this. If you havent got any good comment dont even start to type any sh**. Thanks to Bio for this uselles comment.

Oh and Smiley thanks for moving
Last edited by Cobra; Mar 7, 2010 at 09:00 PM.
Read the rules.
this is constructive critism.
The heads are too blurry.
The quality is horrible.
Bad outlines.
Not symmetrical.
the lines just meet nothing at the back and just stop.
Horrible mapping.
you can't even draw one yourself,it's all mostly effects.
GL though.Practise a bit more before you make a shop.
Everyone hates 'noob' texturers who make shops 'cause it's a waste of everyone's time.
Yeah,so good luck.Hope you improve : P
Originally Posted by Praeter View Post
Read the rules.
this is constructive critism.
The heads are too blurry.
The quality is horrible.
Bad outlines.
Not symmetrical.
the lines just meet nothing at the back and just stop.
Horrible mapping.
you can't even draw one yourself,it's all mostly effects.
GL though.Practise a bit more before you make a shop.
Everyone hates 'noob' texturers who make shops 'cause it's a waste of everyone's time.
Yeah,so good luck.Hope you improve : P

Yes im improving and please i told one guy he should stop with uselles comments SO STOP IT please PM me if you want to give comments i hate comments like this and yes Thanks Nothing against you please dont hate meh
do u use gimp? if u want symetrical wat i do is find the midle (use the scale on top)
use the area select tool then draw half the head then duplicate and flip and walla fliped
but i use photoshop which this is harder cause they dotn have a grid but u fdo the box duplicate layer teh select whole thing and say edit>transform>flip horizontal and ti will be completly even hopfully this helps u make symetical heads and keep praticing and u will get rly good (i hope) =3
damn finaly a comment what i can use Thanks dude! im practising at the moment so yeah later come better heads i just wanted to open this shop that its gonna be a old shop when i can do good heads and the idea you gave me is awesome THANKS!
Cobra...You can use Bio's and my comments to improve,you look at the bad things and don't do them next time.
don' use effects.
Try doing a bit shading,the best way is to get the part that you want to be shaded (copy and padte it into another layer)
Make the laywer under the original one,make it all black then blur so there will beblurred black parts on the outsie.I might make a tut about this..