Original Post
[A] 512x512 monster head
may take a while 4 the pic to come up. so be patient!
spinny coming

ok, so i got ps now and i wanted to have a go at making a head.
so i made this, i just wanna see what people think. before you critisize saying the hair is 2 low and the eyes r 2 low, that is the way its mean to be ok
so i am putting it up 4 auction,

there is not a lot of quality loss when downsized! so dont worry if u only have 128 head text.

start bid 500tc
min raise 200tc
end date 15th march 2010

The textures shown in the following preview(s) are in 512x512 pixel resolution. In order to use the resolution shown in the preview, you MUST have the corresponding high-resolution texture item, available in the Torishop for 20,000TC.
She's got more wrinkles than an Elephants scrotum.. Then Hampa's... Uhhh.