Original Post
chest textures?
ok basically i cant seem to use the preview folder for my torso i can use every other texture slot except the whole torso slots can someone please explain this to me since im lost and trying to complete a set for a request and i cant without the chest >.>

i have followed the ultimate potential of your custom folder or whatever its called

help would be greatly appreciated
yeah i am and im making sure compressed rle is off too i also tryed to save it in 128 and 512 now the template just wont appear on the torso

also just tryed to clean out my folder and just use the chest and it does not show in game

super edit i tryed putting it into my preview folder instead of my "uke" folder and it worked no idea why i did the exact same thing anyway thanks takkrala
Last edited by wigwham; Feb 13, 2011 at 02:20 PM.
when you use a item.dat
that item must be from someone that have full texture

if you copied an item.dat from someone that doesnt have chest texture
then, even if you save correctly, it won't appear on the game.