Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Running a server?
Hey guys.

I'm a newly registered member, and I was wondering how to set up a server. I've tried to run it through ToriLaunch and I just get a sorta DOS'y looking window.

Can you guys help?

Re: Running a server?
Important note: You cannot start your own server in Toribash 3

The server is a DOS windows.

add "my server" to the file servers.txt and you should be able to join it.

command line options:
-p <port> - listen port (20184)
-m <frames> - match frames (120)
-t <frames> - turn frames (10)
-r <sec> - reaction time (20)
-f - flags (1=DQ, 2=Decaps, 4=No Grip, 3=DQ&Decap 8=Fracture) (3)
-s - sumo (0=HF, 1=HF and WA) (0)
-e <cm> - engage distance in centimeters (100)
-j <cm> - dojo size in centimeters (0)
-l <percent> - dismember thresh hold (100)
-c <percent> - fracture thresh hold (0)
-d <model> - damage model (0=opponent, 1=both, 2=self) (0)
-o <name> - mod name (classic)
-C <clients> - max number of simultaneous clients (12)
-T <sec> - Socket timeout (5)
-L <file> - Name of log file
-N <name> - Name of server (will show in mutliplayer server desc)
-D - Daemonize server
-R <pass> - Remote console password
-P - Premium server
-A <rounds> - AFK rounds. Player will be kicked if inactive this many rounds after start (3)

the flags:

F = Fracture
DM = Dismemberment
DQ = Disqualification
NG = No grip

0=Hands and Feet safe
1=Hands, Feet, Wrists and Ankles safe

For -R, it is the server auth password.
/pass <password>
Should display "Authed",
Should display something like:
123 someguy P
246 otherguy P
To kick otherguy:
/kick 246 Some_one_word_of_reason.
Last edited by Stilf; Nov 22, 2007 at 02:47 AM. Reason: Added important note
Re: Running a server?
Your friends have to add your ip to their list instead of, go to http://www.whatismyip.com/ to get your ip.
HIYAAAAAAaaa FACEKICK IN YOUR FACE....... Nah i'm just kidding
Re: Running a server?
I'll jump in here, with another question. What happens if you and your opponent are on the same Local Area Network? I tried typing in the address on the non-hosting computer, and it wouldn't show. I tried typing in the IP address of the host, and multi-player crashes whenever I try to go into it. I'd assume I need a local area address of some kind, but I have no clue where to start looking for it.

Any ideas?
Re: Running a server?
ok. = the machine you type this number on (localhost).

to find out the IP of a windows machine (the old fasioned way) open a DOS window (thats start > run > command for 98, start > run > cmd for xp) and type in ipconfig

your friends then need to connect to the ip in ipconfig (on the server) if you are on a local area network.

If you are connecting over the internet, use http://www.whatismyip.com/ to find out your ip and make sure that your firewall (if you have one) allows people to connect to the toribash server. Also, if you are using a router, you will have to set up port forwarding. That is complicated so check the manual for your router (there is no set way to do this).
I has a flavour
Re: Running a server?
Originally Posted by slainveteran
That is complicated so check the manual for your router (there is no set way to do this).

It's not really complicated, in most cases it's just going to . Though, some routers (like Zyxel's p600 series) disallow all game hosting completely because they're rather crappy routers.
What what? In the butt.