Original Post
Afro beard man
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Picture 54.png (783.8 KB, 123 views)
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Picture 54.png_thumb (19.3 KB, 12 views)
I've been sentenced to life in a rich white banker's scrotal sac!
Re: Afro beard man
Messed up but yet funny.
Chuck Norris is in fact the most deadliest weapon on this planet, But then there's EmpreamKick
Re: Afro beard man
you desktop is messy :P
Don't take life too seriously, you never get out of it alive anyways.
Re: Afro beard man
Thats one messy desktop, heres mine with adium on and all :P
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Picture 1.png (808.4 KB, 47 views)
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Picture 1.png_thumb (29.3 KB, 7 views)
Re: Afro beard man

My desktop. Made it myself, if anyone wants one like it.

Note: Thank you Nokturnal, for introducing me to the program that does that.
Re: Afro beard man
I would put my desktop in here. But it is 2560x1024. Too big even for the forum to handle

here is a link though:

linky linky
I has a flavour
Re: Afro beard man
You know this is turning into a "post your desktop" topic when a mod does that. Post comments about it. Then you can post your desktop.
I've been sentenced to life in a rich white banker's scrotal sac!