Original Post
[s] HQ heads made by me.
All of these textures have been made by me, no previous owners.
If you like them this is the only place you can get them.
They are all originally 512x512 but they will re size themselves if you have a smaller texture.
You offer a price and ill see what we can do. No outrageously low prices, there worth more than that.

Robot Head
Artist : IHurtF4tK1ds
Size : 512x512 (auto re-sizes)
Payment : TC


In game photos

Graffiti/alien head
Artist : IHurtF4tK1ds
Size : 512x512 (auto re-sizes)
Payment : TC
This is my personal favorite spent a lot of time on it. c:

graffiti/alien (I wasn't to sure what to call it)

In game photos.

Troll Head
Artist : IHurtF4tK1ds
Size : 512x512 (auto re-sizes)
Payment : TC


In game photos

Blue Head
Artist : IHurtF4tK1ds
Size : 512x512 (auto re-sizes)
Payment : TC
This head was something i made just messing around if you want it for a cheap price here you go.

blue head

Last edited by IHurtF4tK1ds; Jan 8, 2014 at 12:32 PM.